Ima B. Me

@dwarfgoat: But you have to check that box to allow yourself to be seen at locations. In a perfect world, we'd be able to be 100 % visible anywhere. In the real world, we should use our privacy settings.

@emaline: After reading posts like these, I always obsess over my privacy settings. They're like the back up warning beeps on trucks!

So why is some stranger able to see her profile and where she checks in? I use Foursquare and unless I'm misunderstanding how it works, no one except my friends can see my check-ins.

Oh, gawd.

@forgetfulgirl: Yea, those remind me of some steroid users I've slept with. It's like unwrapping a pretty package and finding out the outside wrapping *was* the present.

She would make a great Muppet. - Liz Hasnobrain. A bright fuschia Muppet, wearing a Miss Piggy wig, a gingham apron and a vacant expression. Every time she opens her mouth, crickets chirp.

Am I the only one who looks at these and thinks, "Ugh, little balls."

@enidcoleslaw: Except for that 10 months of winter thing . . . :-)

"Next time, Ralph, you're wearing your glasses when you try to come on my tits."

What kind of Photoshopping is this? Those kids look happy! They aren't supposed to be happy! The Jolie-Pitts partnership is falling apart! Angie is forcing her daughter into boy's clothes! Zara's hair is being neglected!

I feel kind of sorry for all you yung'uns who never got to meet Sue Ann Nivens.

They also put the hammer down if a troop tries to sell them online.

Diana really brightened up that gene pool, didn't she? He's a much more handsome version of Prince Charles.

I love little tow-headed babies. So precious.

I like to wear fanny packs. That way, when it's over we have someplace to stash the condom until we feel like getting out of bed.

OMG....her belly button is only barely showing! Quick...where's the Photoshop button!

See, this is why I don't garden. I don't own a lavender hat.

Well, we have to see it! It's how Nessie is born! How else is she supposed to get out of that steel cage that Bella's womb becomes?!

Hopefully, she's taking him shoe shopping. He's growing out of those, and in danger of some stubbed toes!