@alula: True, but still neither one are degrees as the term could be applied to university level courses.
@alula: True, but still neither one are degrees as the term could be applied to university level courses.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: Neville being Professor Longbottom is in the Epilogue, so at least that tidbit was available to the masses.
And, look! The closure doubles as herpes sores! Two-for-one!
If she's not careful, Dianna Ross will have another nipple to flick.
Silly. Hogwarts doesn't hand out degrees at all. I mean, you get an O.W.L. or a N.E.W.T., but those are more like high school diplomas.
Silly. Hogwarts doesn't hand out degrees at all. I mean, you get an O.W.L. or a N.E.W.T., but those are more like high school diplomas.
I remember telling my kids, who were 10 and 8 at the time, that their father and I were getting a divorce. It still ranks as the most painful thing I've ever done. My son, who was 10, took a shower and sobbed so hard my heart broke again and again. I wanted to crawl into the shower with him and cry, too. I can…
@Dodai Stewart: Thanks for the links. I still don't see it, but if it is, it is.
Who's the source that says that's Daniel Craig? There's only a vague resemblance.
Is the tattoo blurred out in the original photos? Because if not, I can't imagine it would be difficult to enlarge the image enough to read it.
Old movies have a distinct way of kissing, too. It's one massive and then no movement at all, no matter how long the kiss lasts.
@mrsjakeryan: I still go to high school football games, and my kids have been out of school for years. Friday nights were made for high school football.
@biobreak: I live just north of Nashville, so I know from small towns. *lol*
@LoSpaz: You're welcome! :-)
I think it depends on where you are in the south, the size of the community and the size of the population of newcomers.
@miss.terious: Some were his extended family, some were coworkers. When we talked about it later, he thought maybe it had been a chain reaction - one person saw someone else take a bottle, assumed it was okay if they did, etc etc etc. His thought at the time was that a $15 bottle of wine wasn't worth causing a…
@miss.terious: The fact that it was multiple people made me think I was missing something cultural or regional. Maybe because we were more casual about the reception? Because we didn't have a sit down dinner with waiters and waitresses? Because there wasn't a bartender, just bottles of wine in ice buckets and…
@magicwaffle: No, it was several different people. People he worked with, and some of his extended family.
@chocolateandpeanutbutter: I guess that explains why some people use goldfish as centerpieces - who's going to take a goldfish! *lol*
@DorothyBarker: Just what everyone wants when they get the munchies - linty rolls. :-)