Ima B. Me

@wednesdayam: I meant more because of the annoyance factor of having someone constantly on their cell phone, with the light shining from the screen and the pecking of texting, for the duration of the movie. I have complained to the manager in some similar cases.

These movie live blogs make me very glad I'm not at the same movie.

"I told you. These are not balloons. They do not need to be popped. Put the pin down and back away slowly."

Oh, just had a thought. That "hot people" sperm bank should take a look at what these people were able to make. And then reconsider their business model.

He's really gorgeous.

@Ofmyself: I blame that on Bonnie. She's too stiff, too reserved.

Ugh, it's in two parts.

@through the rye: I agree. I also think the key word here is 'repeatedly.'

Oh, I get it. One of those Karsomething chicks got some attention by saying something about breastfeeding so Bobbie Brady's wife is bandwagon jumping.

tsk tsk tsk. You punch out windows when they're out of Hot Mustard dipping sauce. When they won't serve you McNuggets at all, you're supposed to punch the server, not the window.

Eh, it's the attitude not the action. Or lack thereof.

@amethysts: Exactly. Words have meaning. This one feels manipulative.

She "claims" that she is not pregnant? What, she's lying? She doesn't know if she is or not? She's deliberately trying to manipulate the audience?

Left out of the description of the adhesive bra: "absolutely useless if you're above an A cup" and "hurts like hell when you have to rip the thing off your skin."

@clockwise - counter: Okay, this made me laugh. I didn't want to laugh, but I couldn't help it.

@SlayBelle: I could not agree more. Ken is a bit metrosexual for my taste, but he and Barbie are clearly heating up the hot tub in the dream house.

@seattlesue: I think she's meant to be an unsympathetic character. But I'm a sucker for backstory. Obviously, she didn't choose to be raped by her father. It's just as obvious she's beaten by him. What was it like for her, growing up in that house? What's it like for the other children, seeing it? Are any of

I think the book is simple, but books don't have to be 1000 page tomes to have a message.

I read a biography of Linda Lovelace several years ago. This all sounds pretty much what was in that biography.