Ima B. Me

@Taegre: Me, three! My first thought was, "I had no idea Wanda could sing."

Me? You want me? Oh, well....if you insist.

@cand86: I agree, totally. But I don't think any one act or position is the 'default,' so to speak. I love oral sex, but it's not necessarily something that happens each and every time I have sex, with either gender.

@cand86: I don't know....I kinda like scissoring. :-)

South Park took care of this for me. Thank you, Mr. Garrison.

Oh, ugh. Yet another celebrimom waxing poetic about the joys of shitty diapers and no sleep.

Oh, Gawd. Please don't make me agree with Miley freaking Cyrus. It's too early to start drinking that memory away.

The fashion contest at gyms is the reason a lot of women are uncomfortable going. If you don't already have the perfect body and look great glistening with a mist of sweat, you're treated like a whale washed up on the beach.

@Zulkey: If you saw him with hair at all, that's the problem. *lol*

@Martita: Great find! I thought it looked Manuel-ish.

@Martita: Me, too. I like sparkly stuff. :-) I have a saved search on Ebay, in case anything ever comes up in my price range. They're awesome.

@Martita: They call Manuel the "Rhinestone Rembrandt." He's the guy behind the jackets worn by Porter Wagoner and Little Jimmy Dickens, etc. He's fabulous.

Wait, wait, wait...Is Elizabeth Cook wearing a Manuel? If so, show a little respect, people!

@Snood: Agree, 100%.

@grapesoda00001: I have a real problem with the "people who cost money" attitude of any workplace.

What about the support staff? Are they fired after becoming moms? It's always interesting to me when none of these work/life balance articles ever mention those who work in the trenches.

@Chee-poht-lay: Oooohhhhh...... lol lol lol lol lol Too funny, that I missed that.

I guess I'm not in the loop. He doesn't look sad to me, he just looks like he's staring at cats.

Just realized that without those heels, mom and daughter are the same height.

Oh, wow....real boobs. How pretty!