@BananaPrincesswith Braiiins: At 43, with two adult kids and one 9-month old grandson, I know I'm way outside the target demographic for this site.
@BananaPrincesswith Braiiins: At 43, with two adult kids and one 9-month old grandson, I know I'm way outside the target demographic for this site.
@yvanehtnioj: I've never seen "ya'll" spelled any other way, actually. I had to look it up to figure out what you meant.
@yvanehtnioj: It's okay, you don't have to [sic] my words. I'm not ashamed of adding a little of my regional color to my speech, written or spoken.
@velvet.fistfull of love: Actually, I would be more worried about her child's safety.
What I find appalling is that this mother would bring a total stranger into her home, where her baby also is. She's lucky she didn't end up on the morning news.
@LaComtesse: Oh, when my daughter was a wee one and totally bald, I did the bow-on-the-head route. I used plain, white toothpaste to stick it on.
I love bald babies. Even little bald girl babies.
I've never had a Red Bull, but even so . . . in orange juice?
Awwww. I enjoyed that movie. Nothing much of substance, but fun to watch.
I know this comment is made over and over and over, but I **love** how much like your regular, average, everyday kid Violet always looks. Rarely do you see her dressed up just to be dressed up and shown off.
My daughter made her prom dress out of duct tape when she was a junior. In the pictures, it looks like it's leather. Not that that's any better.
Ha! The scarf reminds me of Edna in The Incredibles. "No capes!"
Is this from the new Botox ad campaign?
@Angelinos_do_it_better: Just so you know, I can never get the hang of attributing my comments back to the right person so that wasn't really in response to one of your comments. My bad!
@Angelinos_do_it_better: @SydneyGal: I guess that's kind of my point.
I don't care how much you practice, you are never prepared for childbirth.
Our American attitude of 'we know best' has always bugged me. What's wrong with a woman choosing to wear a headscarf? How does that make her less? And who are we to go into another country and tell them their women aren't really women unless they're wearing shorts and halter tops?
Wow. That photo of Pinto should qualify as a Photoshop of Horrors. Could they have whitened her/lightened her up anymore?