Ilya S

That's the price we all pay for anonymity on the net.

They don't eat grapefruit in the hood…I think?

50 never mentioned oral sex in relation to Candy Shop - how come? Is that a taboo subject?

I find it unintentionally hilarious when Trent yells "THEY KEEP CALLING ME! KEEP ON CALLING ME!"

Funny - Cure had a song called "Burn" on The Crow soundtrack too (that one also featured NIN cover of Joy Division tune) and the movie came out around the same time as NBK….what's up with that?

Quake soundtrack remains one my favs from that era.

It could very well be - sounds like Billy's music is coded with all kinds of different messages pointing to both past (Attila the Hun) and the future (Stormfront).

Interesting theory! Not only did Billy predicted the rise of Stormfront, but he also created a band that somehow emulated the story of the historical person that it was named after.

That's what I was told too during that same conversation and I was very surprised to find that out!

Was Billy Joel real that bad of an actor?

You should've mentioned Attila instead.

That's exactly what I thought while reading this - Billy must have had some regrets after finding out that the album that he released shares its name with skinhead/neo-nazi forum.

Sort of an off-topic.

I don't think that R. Kelly would stoop to being a necrophile - he have enough accusations against him as it is…