
It’s just a constant, angry, attempt to one up each other with cynical, jaded ‘hot takes’ that say nothing other than “that thing you like, is something that’s stupid”.

he did something, much more in fact that pretty much any entity has up to this point, on a world wide stage giving eyes and ears and you want to say it’s not enough?

Nice price or no dice - an exercise in putting your narcissistic single minded perception aside and looking at this listing as if you were honestly and actively looking for one of these vehicles and then determining if the asking price is reasonable.

People having fun with cars in a way that isn’t unsafe is good actually.

More people off road their jeeps ( yes I know this is about broncos but similar enough) than sports car owners track day their cars yet there is so much hate just aimed in just one direction.

I get this as a critique, but a) Deathloop invites the comparisons aggressively, and b) I don’t think it’s wrong to evaluate design choices based on what was sacrificed to pursue them. If Deathloop’s time loop stuff worked perfectly, I’d be singing its praises. As is, those choices impact a bunch of different systems

This basically reads as “I wish you’d have made Dishonored 3 instead of this,” which, sure. I personally found the first game a tremendous bore (albeit with an interesting setting) but it’s all personal taste.

only shooting stars break the mold

Curious what the seller would ask for if the project was completely finished...$40k? $50k? $60k?

At what point are we as a society going to allow people to change and grow?

You know, there are like ZERO films I am looking forward to nowadays, but this one?- I want it and need it, no matter how it turns out.

Reporter: Thanos, your children failed to acquire the Mind Stone, any comment?

I have a feeling many drives died to bring us this information.

Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.

Rian Johnson should be given the keys to the next galaxy. The Last Jedi was great and RJ should’ve been in charge of 7, 8 and 9. You cannot change my mind on this.

Fun fact: Frank Herbert wrote the first draft of Harold and Muad’dib, but the studios hated it.

Did they give this SUX 6000 a Blaupunkt?

What if we didn't like being around people before the pandemic either? I could go for a couple more decades of everyone staying 6 feet away.

I mean, I have to disagree a little.

The Dranei capital being a starship has been part of the lore since Dranei’s were introduced. They literally crashed landed the ship onto what would become Outland (alternate-universe Draenor), so that wasn’t particularly out of line, least of all because it’s the only space-faring

Call me crazy, but I still say "Check his wallet" lands better than any other joke in the movie.