
I still wonder, when did 20% tipping become ‘standard’? I still believe 15% is more then reasonable and 20% if exceptional. The whole reason for using a percentage is that as prices go up, so does the tip. Greed and propaganda has worked to convince us that 20% (or more) is normal. This may sound cheap, but 20% to me

Why is a simple food disinfectant never mentioned? It is standard practice is some countries to wash and soak all fruits and vegetable in a solution of iodine, which is available at all supermarkets and local stores. It kills all of the e-coli with just a short soak. Stupid Americans. If is is not ready to eat, dump

Why was this even worth writing about? Dumb question from an idiot guy. Obviously you noticed she was attractive. Jealous that the bartender is talking to her and not you? Or, are you gay and wanted the bartender to hit on you? Whichever the case, really dumb article responding to a non-question.

Flu shots are a scam. At best, when they are the correct strain, prevents 50% of us from contracting the flu. At worst, it makes people sick with little to no benefit. Every year we are part of a crap-shoot as to whether the flu shot will be effective. Never stops them from pushing it on unsuspecting citizens. When I

If we actually had good cops, the bad cops would be removed from the job. Until we all DEMAND that bad cops be removed, fired, imprisoned and fined, we are stuck with these PIGs. Good cops do not defend and ignore crimes committed by bad cops, which just proves, there ain’t no good cops. Need help? Call a Hippie!

Thank President Trump for allowing and promoting such hateful racism within our country. Cops are pigs, that is already a known. But, they have been repeatedly given free rides on breaking the law, especially regarding black people. Police truly are useless dregs of society and I, for one, will never call the police

Obama’s main problem and has caused him and us the greatest harm is his incessant need to be as close to Dead Center in politics. That is why his first 4 years were worthless. Did not use his power when it was unstoppable and unable to wield power after Republicans took over. Soft peddled his own ACA to placate the

First of all, it is just a damned purse. Disgusting! That anyone would/could spend so much money for it is sick. Most of us will not even spend that much on a car, which at least is useful. Rich Bitch should just go buy another color and get over it. Shit Happens! That is life. I will assume that she is just another

Seems to me that someone is reaching for a ‘sponsorship contract’. Idiocy, absolute stupidity, and lies are the new reality. Everywhere we turn, lies are replacing truth. But, so what? Everybody is entitled to an opinion, right? The world is flat. No climate change. Best President ever. It just goes on and on and on...

How’s this for a teachable moment. Hold the parents responsible also. Arrest the young criminal-in-training, place them in jail and charge the parents with a huge fine. Or, just give the children another free ride to teach them that whatever they do while minors will be forgiven. Next year may be a murder.

If politicians had any real balls and sense of justice, they would stand by their choices. Adults having consensual sex is none of anybody else’s business. But, it is normal behaviour for living creatures. She did nothing wrong, but Nancy needed to stand up and damage her even more. WHY? Because it is so much easier

Come on people, let’s face the reality of modern civilization. Ken is a TRANSEXUAL. Is now and always has been. Science has molded him with a plastic, slit-less vagina. Just like Barbie’s. May as well begin his surgery for breasts. He has always been very androgenos. Also just like Barbie, but at least she has

The cops are the problem, so to prevent getting shot, beaten, arrested, kow-tow to the POS and kiss his feet. Not that it is bad advice, but once again puts the blame on the victim, not the criminal cops. Fix the problem rather than force the rest of us to give up our rights.


Not only are we inundated by Trump assholes that wouldn’t know a legality if it bit them in the ass, now we have judges that believe tightening lugs after changing tires is OPTIONAL. ?????????? Unfucking believable. And these are people that are considered intelligent and in charge of our legal system? Give me

Right on. If you stop and truly thing about things, reality becomes so much clearer. Think about what cops do that actually protects us. I understand what we are told they do, but what is true? For the life of me, I can not come up with a real need for cops. They show up after the crime. Are generally incapable of

Another cop gets a free ride for murder. Should not have been allowed to resign. Needed to be fired, and prosecuted, not retired to claim how he has been harmed. What a screwed up country we live in.

So tired of reading the bullshit about unrelated items found after police have murdered an innocent, unarmed, compliant person. Often listed, without any connection at all, ‘marijuana was found... or ‘a gun was found...’ Considering cannabis is legal in MOST states and guns are legal in all states, there should never

And fire those that they learn about.

Enough investigations. It is time that the airlines, all of them, let their employees know in simple terms, that anything racist or questionably racist will be cause for immediate firing. Bankrupt the damned companies and see how quickly they find themselves capable of fixing these problems.