
It is scary that a politician that controls our budgeting believes saving $50 today is better than saving $1,000,000 and more over 18 years. That is why the American budget is so screwed up. Idiots are in control.

Saw GofG this weekend and to me at least, it may be the best Marvel movie yet. Funny, sad, exciting, bold. It is everything one expects from this franchise. Go get’em, Guardians.

Hell, the best response would be to fire and indict all the cops and not replace them. Obviously all the citizens would be much safer without these cops looking out for them. Cops are Criminals. Without any doubts, all cops need much more oversight and to be held responsible for their misdeeds. FTP.

you are crazy if you actually believe that being tazed is OK. It is not. Damned stupid cops only understand violence, so it is their first form of defense. All cops fear the public. They believe all of us (not cops) are criminals all wanting to murder police. May not be far off, but if so, it is because cops bring

Seems we have been sold-out again. Biden has given away the keys to the judiciary making a horrible deal (which will probably be broken) with Moscow Mitch McConnel. Biggest liar and cheat in the Republican Party. Screw the Democrats. They have given us a false report and are not working to save the country. They are

As myself and many other Democrats have been saying from the beginning; Biden is not a true Democrat. He kisses ass to most of the Republicans and has always been willing to make deals that harm citizens to get his ideas passed. We have again been cheated and lied to. As I have said, there is truly very little

Face reality, and the reality is NO MEN have died in childbirth, so all here is fine. 

If people do not speak up and quash this bull that is being propagated by the crazy Republicans that hate people, but love non-person embryos. Fight for your legal rights or lose them. The anti-abortion group is actually quite small, but very vocal. Get your butts out there and end this charade against women.

Nobody should be shocked anymore about what Texas is willing to do to prevent people from voting. They, and other states, have done everything possible to damage our National Voting System. As we have learned, Republicans win ONLY when Republicans cheat, which is now, ALL THE TIME. Time to create NATIONAL VOTING RULES

Hey, they are just cops. Worthless piles of trash sent to hassle regular citizens. Cops truly are useless. They refuse to engage school shooters. refuse to arrest domestic violence offenders, shoot unarmed cooperating people (almost always non-white), the run people over with their police cars. So, why do we need

Another judge that needs to be replaced and imprisoned for such a horrible call. The boy was obviously old enough to commit the rape, so that makes him guilty and old enough to suffer the consequences. Guarantee the judge is a Republican. They always blame the woman.

I suppose the easiest remedy is to replace the pictures of black people with a white person. Fixed, no more racist undertones. BULLSHIT. Seems just the depiction of blacks on a product is enough to be considered racist. Another big lie to fix a small problem.

I love how cops want to be treated with respect while they demean, beat, mishandle, everyone else. Respect is something that needs to be earned. Just wearing a blue uniform nowadays immediately earns you disdain. Cops are thugs and have always been thugs. That is why they were hired. Over 100 years of policing and

Cops are so freaking stupid. The lie when confronted with video evidence and just stick to the bullshit explanation. Empty the prisons of drug convictions to make room for entire city police departments. All cops are criminals and all deserve to be in prison. Save America, Remove Cops.

Could someone please explain to me exactly what the ‘Job of Policing’ entails? Seems pretty obvious that the cops have no idea what their job really calls for. Stop hiring thugs to be cops. While we are at it, Stop Voting in Idiots to run our country.  All tied together. Same problem from different angles. 

In actuality, it appears that very little money is being spent by these ‘icons’ of industry to help prevent civil rights legislation. Capitalism, the horror that it is, often gives to both sides of issues to hedge their bets. Just like in the stock market. All about guaranteeing returns later. Remember, no matter how

WOW. What a concept, to allow civilians the same benefit of doubt that murderous cops receive automatically. It should be, ‘Shoot a cop, receive a medal’. Claiming self-defense against cops is frowned upon in America as cops are ‘always right, never lie, and enforce the laws’. BULLSHIT. They are dangerous criminals

The world is just full of assholes that do things entirely for their own edification. Censorship of what exactly are viewers being saved from? Leave things alone. Censorship just for the sake of censorship is WRONG. Cut it out!

Because they, the doctors, are the people we have been looking to for truth and real information. Obviously, they would rather risk the health of their patients than speak up against Pence and/or Trump. 

Just another hypocritical, lying, fake human being. For such ‘good’ Christians, they certainly lie a lot. Damn, guess we will be seeing you in Hell. Damn, I thought I would be getting away from you assholes.