
Actually, their badge is the ‘Gang Color’. Gives them blanket freedom to perform criminal acts without punishment. Ain’t really any freedom in America. Just a bullshit story we are fed from birth. We are no different in so many ways than the ‘shithole countries’ we despise.

Largest criminal group in the USA is the cops. They are ALL rotten, ignorant, fucked-up, assholes that hate and fear everybody. They are the greatest danger to freedom we have. Sorry, but time to create laws that allow us to shoot the bastards when they do their criminal thing. “I felt scared for my life when these

First and foremost to me is, if we are going to keep this insane law on the books, it needs to be updated to protect citizens against police also. They are usually the first to pull their guns and kill innocent people. Cops are the most dangerous gun owners on the streets and they have consistently received special

Conservatives are such POS and they do not even see their idiocy and prejudice. Nice to see that America is not the only nation with assholes in politics. What is it with Conservatives and Christians. From their twisted point of view of the world, they are always being silenced and attacked, picked on and reviled. Of

I never understand why people are surprised when the cops are caught fixing evidence and lying. It is how the always work. Anything to close a case. Innocent? Too Bad!

If there is any justice, these cops will spend the rest of their lives in prison with all the other criminals. But, that is probably wishful thinking. Very few cops are ever indicted for their criminal and murderous behavior. Don’t expect anything different this time. There is no real justice in America. Even when we

They don’t even bother attempting to make it seem like they tried to keep him alive. Guarantee they gave him all the assistance, if not committed outright murder, to commit suicide. And who is in charge of the investigation? Why, its Mr.I See Nothing Wrong Here’, William Barr. Anyone that still believes this is

Welcome to the 21st Century. Where everything we feared will come to pass. No matter how absurd it seems.

It is always a pleasure watching someplace, other than America, do something really stupidly PC. Absurdity at its finest. Would it have been any different if it were a man and a woman couple forgetting the kid? Just as stupid, but I assume PC enough to pass muster. What a silly world we live in. 

At least one of the racist pigs could have gotten off their horse and walked with the ‘criminal trespasser’, to keep him in custody.

So much more satisfying walking him through town shackled and roped.

Or at least walking with their ‘dangerous criminal’. Get off your high horse, you dumb shit.

Why we seem surprised and horrified, we need to remember, this is TEXAS. One of our wonderful Southern lovers of equality and fairness. Really! The surprise is that it took so long.

To violent and racist to be a cop here, but, no problem giving him a recommendation so he can apply elsewhere to continue his freedom to hate and punish non-whites.

The cause is ignorance and being taught from childhood that other races are inferior and hate us. Texas and their neighboring states hold Top Honors. Funny how Hate and Religion always seem to be connected. White Christian Terrorists are the norm.

Typical complete asshole of a Republican. Blame the group that wants peace, equality, fairness and has not caused riots or killed anyone. Obviously, Texas is a fascist state and wants Antifa to keep out and leave them alone. Rah, rah, rah for White Supremacists. Keep America White and Dangerous.

Winners. Losers. Not much matters until it is time to choose. Then, will we, the people get the candidate we want or will the Party once again overrule us and go with THEIR favorite (read: controllable do little centrist).

Part of the problem in America is that too many people abuse the ER as their personal physician. I live in Mexico and usually, I am able to get an appointment within an hour. Doctor’s offices here are rarely busy. Care is very personal and affordable. American’s are either much less healthy than people living in

Simply. Fuck Yourself. Thoughts and Prayers are bullshit excuses for doing nothing and truly not caring. Religion at its finest.

Your dumb response only tightens the noose around your stupid neck. Yes, you idiots that believe in the fantasy created and pushed Trump. You wanted a savior. Instead, you brought us Beezelbub.