I'm not sure I like this article; crappy commenters don't deserve any recognition. Simply ban them and forget them.
I'm not sure I like this article; crappy commenters don't deserve any recognition. Simply ban them and forget them.
Phones are computers nowadays, so maybe they could separate the non-cellular functions of the OS from the rest of the OS? That way you can upgrade your Android release without affecting the cellular functionality. Let the carriers certify the cellular component, but don't let it prevent you from updating the rest of…
Too obvious perhaps.
Holy shit. I know you said you won't let this happen again, but if it does, please promise to post about it. I think you owe yourself that indignity.
I don't get it either. I think this is a trend that'll probably die out once the novelty of "nostalgic" photos wears off. I prefer my photos to be untouched, and if need be I'll edit it manually post processing.
Should be easy enough to make ATT buckle if you tell them to either waive the fee or you'll take your business elsewhere. Trying to gouge a customer when they're off contract (and eligible for a new phone) doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do but then again we're talking about cellular carriers here.
I doubt this applies to most Gizmodo readers. I stopped using facebook back when you told us to.
Hammer it off?
That sucks.
LOL. Win!
Congrats. The secret is to live well below your means, and saving & investing the difference. I never owned my own business, but I made pretty good money as a software consultant & engineer (with some moonlighting on the side). I lived frugally as I could after college so that I could pay off my (small) student loans…
Replying to promote.
Giving up very personal info?
Not always. And it's not like foreigners can't become citizens.
It *could* be the difference between missing your flight or not. No guarantees.
Agreed. I'm not signing up.
Become a citizen then! Some things are easier for a country's citizens, get over it.