
Well, he might be insane (SJ was probably called that at various points in his career) and this may very well turn out to be a wasted futile effort, but I give him props for his ambitions. Who knows, maybe some crazy new ideas will be generated that will reshape the tech space. Anything could happen.

I'm surprised the white house hasn't threatened to sue over those Obama action figures yet.

True. I'm lucky to get 20mbps via my cable modem.

Bummer. I guess I'll avoid Fuji cameras for now. Thanks for the info.

Lens quality problems? Of what do you speak?

Very pretty. However screen resolution is "meh" and I'm hoping it packs a backlit keyboard (and the keys are better than on the Zenbook). If it's cheap enough, I may pick one up to play with though.

Durability is great if you need it, but I have never in my life dropped my laptop because I'm super careful with them. There are other things that kill laptops though. I used to be a ThinkPad fanatic, and gave my significant other at the time a T43 to use. My SO was clumsy though, and spilled some energy drink on it

I've used ThinkPads (mostly for work) going back to the T40. I love the solid construction, but have had various problems with them over the years, some software & some hardware (fan noise, fried mobos, dead hard drives, etc.). My current work T400 refuses to resume after hibernation or standby, and I'm tired of

Very nice machine. If Lenovo had included a better screen and priced it more competitively against the MBA, I would probably have gone with it instead.

Will it charge the attached mobile devices? If not, then I'd prefer wireless tech like WiDi to another wired connector.

Neat, thanks!

I LOL'd! :)

Thank you!!!

I have a friend that just got a Galaxy Nexus LTE and wants to know if there's any compelling reason to root it other than for tethering. Anyone? He's worried about the warranty issue though.

You can build up a history buy purchasing cheap shit on eBay where the seller doesn't give a f* if you have a history or not. That said, I'd never sell anything of significant value on eBay anyway, because of crap like this.

Agree, I'd never sell expensive shit on eBay or any online site. Either Craigslist or have some auction house handle it for me, so that it's insured against crap like this.

Yeah, I would go back to the eStuff names. No worries about infringement and just as cool IMO.

Ok I'm pretty clueless here but I have a friend that keeps bugging me to get a Roku, but I already have a Dell Zino Window 7 HTPC and PS3. How is the Roku better than what I already have? The Google searches I performed just said that the HTPC is more costly to build. Well duh, but I already have it, so what's the

Thanks for reminding me to clear out my old photos.

Maybe a "guest" mode would be a better option but either way I don't see it being a high item on Apple's priority list (if at all).