
No backpeddling!

They're both for dicks?

Damn you Starz/Hollywood studios! Looks like your plan to kill the video rental business worked:

Oh boy, this year's Labor Day BBQ is going to awkward for some families in Texas.


QFT. Those industrial hinges on ThinkPads are freaking awesome.

Yes, that and I love Gizmodo for reposting it. I probably wouldn't have read it otherwise.

Awesome article. I love you guys!



The Thinklight in my ThinkPad T400 pales in comparison to the backlit keyboard in my MBA. I think most people who have used both would agree (at least they do in my geek circle).

I'm surprised Eye-fi hasn't patented this use of technology, and if they haven't why aren't there more competitor products out there?

That is a perk, but I just prefer talking than typing out lengthy emails or texting on a small screen. I know I'm a dying breed. :(

One can only hope, although IBM is pretty much dead in the consumer space now. I would've preferred that HP continued making cool consumer products, but unfortunately that started dying after the acquisition of Voodoo.

No prob!

Google, please buy WebOS and rescue it from HP's dying clutches.

Hmm, thanks for the link.

Valid points, but still there's no denying that the posted photo looks like a Macbook Pro from a quick glance. Also, the distinctive ThinkPad nub is gone. :(

I know, welcome to the early 2000s, right? :)