
I'm looking forward to the Chrome extension that disables this feature.

The same people that participated in your Google waves.

I LOL'd. Thanks Brian! :)

Absolutely. Why not let us hear the glass break? Damn amateur youtubers.

I believe you do too. :p

Yeah, that music was a bit obnoxious. Thank goodness for the mute button though.


Unfortunately I can see that happening. :(

Ugh. The potential for misuse is unimaginable.

I disagree, and please don't call me an idiot when you don't know me. I have Safari and Chrome on my Mac, and I only use Chrome. Safari doesn't isolate each tab like Chrome, and with flash being a freaking mess on OSX it often crashes the entire browser, whereas it only brings down the individual tab in Chrome.

Oh man, they're gonna be sued into oblivion when one of their users gets hurt by a stalker.

Reminds me of the 8" photo frame/ipod dock that I got for $40 over xmas that also plays video from my iPhone.

That's ugly.

Interesting comments. How many people here actually prepare their taxes themselves? I do, using TaxCut, and I have deductions including mortgage interest, personal & property taxes, stock gains/losses. Are most other people's taxes that much more complicated than mine, I wonder?

Because I forget about shortcuts for sites that I don't use very much. I found that I ended up going to Google to search for them anyway, so the omnibar just works better for me.

By using and donating to open source projects.


Yeah, back in the 90s. If Mac users still think that IE comes with OS X, then they probably don't even know of Lifehacker's existence so it's a non-issue either way.

I tried that before, as I stated above. I could never remember any but the most common search key word abbreviations, so I never used them. Chrome's method works best for me.