
I used to use Maxthon and created a bunch of search keys like "g" for google search, "gi" for google image search, etc. Hated it, and never used it. Chrome's method is SO much simpler.

Haha, nice user name by the way. :)

I disagree.

For me, the less keystrokes/mous clicks, the better. To search in Chrome, I just press ALT+D (to put the focus on the omnibar) and type away with my search term. To search wikipedia, amazon, or ebay (or any other site that has search functionality that Chrome recognizes), I start typing those letters and then tab to

Thanks, I'll have to try it. I love LOVE the omnibar in Chrome!

Don't judge me!

Why? Is IE9 available for OSX? That's like saying the need to clarify that Finder is Apple only.

I know. The new Gawker design has been problematic for me as well. Half the time my comment don't post successfully. :(

Yes, it sucks. Read earlier comments to find out more.

I <3 Chrome. The combination of simple UI, speed, and ability to sync everything is just perfect for my needs.


Damn...bad memories. Thank god for Chrome!

Darwin award winners right here folks.

Cute. Thanks for making me smile!


So that's why I didn't see any mohawks or fauxhawks! And here I thought they were just behind the times. :p


Nice, didn't know that. I still have it so I can log into work, and all my work machines are still on XP.

Famous last words. Kidding! :P