
I hope you never have to deal with the aftermath of what happens when someone you love is murdered and the person who does it gets off (or gets a slap on the wrists) because they are a pretty white girl like Lorna.

Yeah...I always thought the answer was he had a voodoo dick. When I see guys like this get so much play, I always think about that Golden Girls Episode with that little guy who wasn't really attractive yet every woman he met wanted to bang him. I remember on the show they attributed it to his smell (cookies I think.)

Heck I'm a grown ass black woman and I watched the bootleg like 3 times on Christmas. My friend's niece can't stop watching it either.

I think they should have just let Cameron be her Bad Teacher persona rather than trying to make her all New Yorky...bad choice. But, I really liked this movie. A lot of the lines could have come off sounding snide in another child's mouth, but Quvenzhane Wallis really sold it. Annie is plucky and smart, not a smart

I don't know her so I can't say.

She was in a play in London...which just closed (poor thing) so yeah, she was actually working before this. Acting in a play is hard work so she probably does deserve a vacation.

Sorry she got your disease and screwed it up for you. I know everything she does is evil, including getting a disease that apparently is running rampant in that part of the world and that I hadn't heard about until I saw this article. I know she just did it to fuck with you and the people of the Carribean and the

There's a term for what you're talking's called false consciousness. Your average mid to lower class white person has a terminal case of it...since this country has been founded trust white people of a certain class to always vote, fight, and buy shit against their interests time and time again. It would

Damn son, you're seriously breaking some shit down. I may not agree with everything you're saying, but I really approve of the way your making your argument.

Bill Cosby did some pretty good movies back in the 70s(probably during the height of his rapiness) ever see Uptown Saturday Night...I still remember it fondly. It had Sidney Poitier in it! And Harry Belafonte!

I had a good friend who was murdered by his girlfriend. She was mentally ill, bipolar, and she had all of the access a middle class white girl gets to doctors and drugs, and like most pretty white girls who commit crimes, she pretty much got a slap on the wrist. 10 years, 7 with good behavior. She shot him while he

Huh? A victim of herself? Would you feel the same way if she were a man relentlessly stalking a girl he went on one date with and then tried to kill her boyfriend? She's not a victim of herself, she's a danger to OTHERS as evidenced by the whole bomb in the car thing. She cray-cray, and that's sad, and her character

The difference between Malfoy and Snape is this: Malfoy and their ilk believe they are better than everybody else intrinsically. Arrogance, elitism, etc. was bred in the bone...I doubt Lucius ever spent a moment of self I always got the feeling that Snape joined with that crowd because he never felt good about don't get into heaven by doing good deeds. You get into heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. At least that's what I learned. Then, from there, you try to live a godly life and do good like Jesus, but we are all sinners, and backsliders, and even Jesus had his moment of doubt on the

I think that's the point, though. We aren't supposed to "like" him. I think Snape is a character children (and adults) need to see more often...sometimes people who do good things aren't "good" people. That people do good things often for selfish reasons (Snape because he loved Lily) but that doesn't negate the good.

The fuck? Americans are native English speakers, which is why we write the date the way we do. I don't know that many american's who travel abroad and get pissed off at the way ya'll write the dates...confused, then they get used to it. I get more "upset" at the way non-American English speakers pronounce Adidas and

I LOATHE that movie. They were all a bunch of judgey mcjudgersons and the fact that the mom was dying didn't excuse the awfulness of them all. And the deaf gay son with his black husband and adopted(?) baby...vomit. It's like they just went overboard with how liberal they was ridiculous. Seriously, could it

Life isn't black and white. I think people shouldn't commit adultery for the most part, but you can't help it if you fall out of "love," or in "love" with someone else. That doesn't make "love" weak, it makes it like human beings, imperfect and mortal. There is that all-sweeping, violins stirring, constant type of

The love that grows between Claire and Jamie is anything but weak. Also, she kind of had to have sex with him, and marry him, or she was going to be turned over to the English, tortured, and most likely executed as a spy. Marriage back then wasn't just about the ceremony, it was about the sex, as wouldn't be

Frank and Claire had already been separated for years during WWII. The trip to Scotland was an attempt for them to reconnect...because they we so disconnected due to the fact they hadn't been married long before they were separated by the war. She was also very young when they married and had been, for the last 5 or 6