
I think it depends on where you live. I went out a lot in San Francisco, and from experience and from what I heard it was pretty common (this was before the living wage.) I had it happen one time on a date (and it was justified) but the second time, the waitress didn't know how to count. The first time, my date had

True dat. Seriously, I don't mean to be explicit, but reading those books was the first time I really understood what people meant when they talked about girls and wet panties. I wonder if they are still in print because I just might have to buy them now that I'm an adult!

I read the Anne Rice Sleeping Beauty books when I was 12 years old in 7th grade. I checked them out of the Public Library (no children's library card for me!) and I realize now that if I ever have kids I'm going to make sure I look at the kind of books they are reading because those books gave me some unrealistic

Well, there really isn't a Malcolm character, the mom is the main character and has the voice-over. Also, there was no Sue Heck character on Malcolm in the Middle. I think it started like a rip-off, but now the similarities (lower class family and there three kids) are really more superficial than anything else.

Why the quotes. He consulted. Just because he knows Bill Cosby doesn't mean that he was complicit in his behavior (or even had an inkling of what he was doing.) And I don't get the "yuck" factor, either. I mean, he is a black Haitian immigrant who was active in the civil rights movement who managed to get an education

But this post is about the cheerleaders, specifically. Who don't even make minimum wage. Concession workers, front office workers, etc, make at LEAST that. So you can see why some of us think your derailing the conversation by going on about how everybody else is underpaid.

But the child isn't her child, depending on what jurisdictions she's in. Biologically, the child is Sally and this woman's, not Shepard's...this case is going to be fascinating whatever happens. I'm sure it's going to get taught at a law school.

I sucks. Maybe we should pray that all of the church leaders have gay offspring and can't bear the thought of abandoning them to "utter darkness" for all eternity.

There is, at the core of Mormonism, the need to be liked or at least accepted. While most Christian denominations feel persecuted, the Prophet of this church was literally massacred by a mob so I think it's always at the back of their minds...their beliefs could get them killed! I think that they will ultimately bow

I know. Seriously, first of all Claire and Jamie are like sixty years old in the last book (well at least Claire is) and they haven't had nice quiet lives, especially Jamie, who after spending all that time chained up should now look like James McCain...but maybe a little taller.They had one bit it the books about

What floors me is that one of the creators, executive producers, and directors of this show (the one who actually pitched the idea to Lee Daniels) is Johnathan from Buffy. JONATHAN FROM BUFFY!

Doesn't he usually set them up with a therapist in their area?

You can wash that ass without showering. #teamho's bath.

Hippos are so grumpy...murderously so. Maybe this is why!

Hippos and oxpeckers (which I think these birds are) have a symbiotic relationship. The birds eat the parasites that infest a hippos skin. So...these birds aren't so much pestering the hippo as they are helping him be healthy and live a long life. He's just too stupid to know it's for his own good.

There is a lot going on in that movie...I think they should have dropped his character altogether personally, but without him Black Widow wouldn't have had much to do. (to be sad about him being a Loki-bot.) Though, she would have still had that awesome scene with Loki.That shit was funny.

Yup. When my dad died, the mechanics who worked at the Ford Dealership all came rocking their uniforms as wells as the teamsters who were members of his union. I remember most of them tearing up when we walked past them during the processional and I also remember how grateful my mother was that they all came...they

That's the internet for you. It makes people pissed off and crazy. My point about the slap on the wrist is that people in this country look at a person like Lorna or the person who murdered one of my friends (a pretty blonde white girl) and sees a victim automatically. When you kept going on and on about how she was

Evil people can do good things, whatever their motives were for doing it. The college students who benefited from his money...well it's a lot of people and you literally can't take away from them the education they were able to get because of the money he gave to black colleges in particular. In the 80s, black