
Yup. Sounds like the mainstreaming of BDSM in pop culture just created yet another excuse to discount domestic violence victims. New language, same story.

“You know, kids are into kinky shit these days.” This perception of generational difference, the sense of “kids these days,” becomes a blinder to the actual facts.

Here’s the infuriating thing:

I kinda related to this. A lot of men seem like they’d prefer a girlfriend pillow to an actual woman they have to interact /communicate / work for success with. I interpreted her “I’m shockingly available” as saying she’s not as inaccessible due to her beauty/finances/career as men might think. Was that what you meant

Now playing

I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to talk about three minute pop songs for twenty minutes and remain both relevant and interesting, but Todd in the Shadows does it every time:

Donald Trump’s daughter cum dream girl

It can tear if you’re not careful! I’ve split my chapped lips open before. I have like six kinds of lip balm all over the place (the best is Neosporin’s Overnight Renewal Therapy, which I use every night at bedtime along with my humidifier).

Paper bags are no joke.  I used to keep lotion by the register.

Although, in fairness, it’s true that Andre the Giant was by all accounts very sweet. #NoTallMen

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

They had sponsorships/partnerships with brands like Urban Outfitters; a lot of the readers complained about that because of UO’s previous fuckups, but Rookie said that they need the funds to be kept afloat, and anyone who said that UO goes against Rookie’s fundamental message was shamed by the avid Rookie fans until

Yeah... you’ve got the wrong one. White Latinos are the only Latinos ever highlighted. Giving them more airtime is not my ministry.

She vouched for his character only to find out she had been the butt of he and his friends’ jokes for almost 40 years.

My first thought was that she was drunk or high. But now that I’m hearing that she’d made several noise complaints about Jean, is it possible she was drunk/high and angry and decided to confront him about the noise complaints and ended up shooting him? 

She is a lying-ass murderer probably mad because he allegedly made noise above her, so this is her covering for killing an annoyance to her. She needs to be locked up on a proper murder charge. 


I totally agree. I’m an ex Catholic and being raised Catholic was child abuse, even though I wasn’t targeted.. The existential horror of really believing that you are dirty and sinful just for being alive, and that despite being deliberately created like that, you are commanded to be pure. I truly believed as a child

I have really sensitive dry eyes and was getting “pink eye” but it wasnt actual pink eye from infection/bacteria, just irritation. My eye doctor told me to take fish oil (nordic naturals was his recommended brand) and it did actually help...

Because we live in a society dominated by enlightenment, intellectual-based values, where “proof” is only considered legitimate if it’s something people can see, touch, or repeat in some way. That kind of proof is valuable - I definitely want antibiotics that have a demonstrable, repeatable effect. But in other