The sad part about all of this is that there’s a plant that can cure heroin and opiate addiction, but it’s illegal in the US:
The sad part about all of this is that there’s a plant that can cure heroin and opiate addiction, but it’s illegal in the US:
Because South America is a myth?
I am okay with this.
I guess HOW it got to be that way is the question. I come from a long line of badass women who survived poverty, abuse and heart disease, and they didn’t have time for shit like this.
This is depressing. This is so depressing for me. It’s hard enough being female, but to see clear evidence of the standards that not only society, but women place on other women to receive acceptance... I want to bang my head on my desk and cry.
I just looked up more details about her kidnapping at 13. She says her mother beat her and didn’t even ask what happened. It’s sad but it sounds like after a lifetime of not being listened to, I can see how easily frustrated she could be. I am, and my experiences don’t come close.
I’m in. I’ve been going to PP since I was a teen. Insured or not, I still go. It’s a name I recognize and trust but most importantly, I know I won’t be slut shamed at PP, something I’ve heard happen wayyy too often with other gynos.
Aww how come? I thought he was clever.
Marty never had a chance.
But he’s so pretty...
I would’ve liked fucking Logan, thank you very much.
This makes me really sad.
Seriously, what’s up with that headline? Did you write it before reading the article and didn’t change it? It’s very trivializing.
I rather read that comment, but yeah, I was once non-gray and back again. Breaks my little heart.
Dude, watch sense8 (above) Lito and Hernando are worth it alone.
What we need to talk about in instances like these, is that this IS the kind of advice some women give to others behind closed doors. Dr. Huang made a huge mistake by not realizing that her advice would be read by the entire internet, and thus did not give appropriate, legal advice. But this may very well be the kind…
I’ve had to learn the same lesson. I’m the type that walks into a job and wants to be cool with everyone. Like, you know, our jobs are hard enough, there’s no need to kick up extra drama. In the past it has worked very well, mostly in retail where we had to pull together, or I would be one of the most experienced in…
I live in the city. I have full-time work and make okay money, especially considering the current financial climate. I also work over 20 hours a week in overtime sometimes to get a little icing on the cake. And yet I cannot afford a place of my own in the city. I can barely afford my place with a roommate now. It…
The page is down now. :-/ You can click on it til kingdom come, but nada.
This was my thinking too. After I moved out of my ex's apartment (we're still good friends) he told me that our cat waited for me by the door for weeks. Still breaks my heart thinking about it because it's not like you can explain that you still love them even though mommy and daddy aren't together anymore.