
Omg I miss my Casey. The ex got her in the divorce.

That's a great idea. Thank you.

Torn between watching it now or waiting til Colbert gets a bite at them.

I need advice. I moved to New York in April to become a writer. Because I have a background in social work, I have been able to use my writing skills for marketing and technical writing. It's been slow going, but here's the rub: every woman who offers advice (usually older and more established) has told me to take it

I know I'm super late to this conversation but I wanted to add something. It's even harder when other women won't acknowledge that sexism exists and won't even discuss it. It's very difficult to change an entire culture when the people around you won't join arms.

I wanted to promote you but I think I'm still in the grey. I am very sorry for your loss. It's hard on those left behind.

I read the grey. OMG I read the grey.

There's a very simple explanation, really. These brands, they're not dummies. They know who their customer is and they know who has the money. Top 1%. There's little inclusion in fashion because its more profitable to cater to that limited mentality.

I put this on another thread but I'm going to put this here because I'm seriously flabbergasted by all the hate I'm seeing:

Until a year ago I had my own apartment living with my boyfriend. We made enough, barely, that we could live off of, pay the bills, and still have say, $35 weekly left over for groceries. I took a job that was supposed to be a step up in the company I was working for, but it was a paycut. I slowly had to stop paying

I vote Romney spawn.

I'm skeptical. I thought more and more studies have shown that smoking pot can trigger mental health issues, if you are already predisposed. It doesn't pull it out of thin air. So if you're predisposed to say, bi-polar disorder, or have a history of it in your family, it might trigger the disease to manifest much

Those two are obviously tweaking on the 'ffeine.

Is that Chuck Bass?

Pot. Shameless, unregulated amounts of pot

"Not bad... for a girl."

There's a marked difference between how the models look compared to today. For starters, they don't look like passive hangers.

Is it addiction or just a whole lotta me me me me? Has she ever experienced anything outside of her own little bubble?

Okay, explain this one to me because you just shattered all my romantic fantasies. I thought Gatsby was a tragic anti-hero? Are you gonna tell me the characters in Wuthering Heights are also awful people too?