
You really don't need to add extra flour, use a convection oven, or do anything else special if you just have a good recipe and follow it precisely. My muffins always turn out looking like the ones on the left, and I use a normal oven with plain ingredients. And they don't taste store-bought, unlike the recipe using

I'm fluent in German, and I looked into colleges there but the thing is, even though the tuition is free (or very affordable, depending on the university), you still have to pay for your living costs. And I hear it's hard to get work over there to accomplish that, especially if you have a spouse.

Seriously, that's incorgible.

Some Doras get a sweet backpack, but some just end up with an old bag.

She's European, right? I think we're going a little overboard enforcing American modesty standards. Nothing I saw looked porn-y or suggestive, really. She looked like a little girl in little girl clothes doing little girl things.

Issues around child exploitation aside, the term 'supermodel' needs to be left in the early 90's. No one is a 'model' anymore. Even department store catalogue models are SUPERMODELS now.


Two words: married up.

"Ok, now that we've heard from a panel of respected scientists outlining the overwhelming, and frankly terrifying evidence for man-made climate change, we'd like to now present a counter-point from the CEO of the non-profit organization 'Fuck Icebergs and Polar Bears.'"

Moreover, Conflict Kitchen's (largely conservative) pro-Israel critics are still propagating the frankly insane notion that the restaurant has some responsibility to include the perspective of both sides of the conflict.

Everyone talks smack about taxis. I've found them to generally be the same price as Uber/Lyft where I live (NYC), and a similar experience in terms of quality. Only issue is they can be in short supply during certain peak times. But then again, during those peak times Uber/Lyft will charge outrageous "prime time"

In other words, change your location to trick your driver into risking a major fine. Great going, jerk.

Committing suicide with dignity to avoid the horrific end she was guaranteed to have otherwise isn't "beautiful."

She is part of an ongoing debate regarding assisted suicide.

I'm suspicious of anyone who blabs incessantly about how kinky they are. Everyone is quick to claim they have some kink or "fetish" these days. Getting aroused by titties, for instance, is not a "fetish;" hate to break it to you but you basic. And being a misogynist is not a protected sexual class. The More Sexually

I know some people make much higher salaries than that right out of school. But the unemployment rate for young people is still very high. So I would bet $30,000 is close to the average.

It never really occurred to me that male strippers wear socks with their costumes. Now that's all I can think of and I want to know more about the socks and shoes situation. How many of them take their shoes off? Are loafers or Velcro shoes better? Do socks make things more slippery(no pun, no pun!) on the stage? Are

You can't be racist if you have a [minority] friend, right?

Wonderful article! I now propose that one of your “ethnic” or “marginalized” contributors share a “LifeHack” on “What To Do If You Find Out That Your Privileged So-Called ‘Friend’ Has Been Using You For ‘Cheat Codes’, Instead of the Usual Shit About How They Like You As a Person and Shit Like That, Because Who Needs