
aoc is considered one of the least intelligent persons EVER to represent people in Congress. This reflects the intelligence of her constituents and the type of people who “vote” for her. She was more than likely appointed to fulfill a political agenda. She/he/it shouldn’t be allowed around virtual animals let alone

happily ‘speedrunning’ through the original FF7 which I mastered years ago...i can patiently wait for the entire game to be released. Besides... It’s a console game. The original was on the PC. You wouldn't understand. 

I just downloaded FF7 original from Torrent and it was one of the First Games i played on the PC i remember buying a Geforce 2 MX with 64 Megabytes of ram!!! just to play it. I tried to buy a copy of the Brady Games Final Fantasy VII guide and you cant find one for less than 50 bucks on Amazon or bay. You can download

i love you 😍

I like spuds... typical dindoo. Muhdik no what im sayin’ I cant wait until earthquakes hjt.

Yea I Agree.