
I think what we want to do first is remove sales tax or VAT and make these products a normal part of a human life. 50% of humans require this once a month for quite many years in their lives. Over and over we read stories of young women kept in the house at that time of the month. They do not go to school. They are

Here it is. Enjoy

Just stop, we all know what vets means and have known for quite a long time.

Say what. Please tell me that this is sarcacastic. Wow.

Oh, yes. I didn’t want to go there. If you cranked me up about French and Indo-China, I just might explode. So, here I am. Not referring to the war where my brother lost his way.

We certainly wish these subjects were taught. But remember that the majority French citizens believe that their country never controlled colonies and have absolutely no memory of Algeria. Let’s not even talk about Haiti and egalite. They really do not know.

As a white woman all I can do is nod and remark ‘could be, could be.’ Why else? I know my wrinkles! I’m jealous! To Ms Edwards, thanks for the story. We have many older folks with so much wisdom and it’s nice for Mr. Brooks to be able to attend the game.

Middlemarch, the novel written for adults, as Virginia Woolf called it. Everybody loves stories with myths. The old sounds work in our lives. That is why they have echoed into our world even today.

Middlemarch, the novel written for adults, as Virginia Woolf called it. Everybody loves stories with myths. The old sounds work in our lives. That is why they have echoed into our world even today.

We still talk about George Eliot.

Who knows? We still refer to George Eliot, don’t we?

There is a long (ok, late 18 into 19th century) of ‘the ladies’ publishing under a pseudonym or initials as first name. Even the publishers did not read manuscript submissions from female names in Europe or America.

Ever since I’ve had to follow a lower salt diet. I do take whole wheat bread and a couple slices of cheese and put them in the toaster oven. Then, lovely hot salsa on top.

Not always true - stereotype. I was the lone woman on a jury for a rape case. My fellow jurors spent over a day expressing their hesitations about a man being framed. Not because the prosecution had not presented a case, but worried about she said/he said. I spent a bit of those trying hours educating them, earnest

Gawd, I miss it.

If there was a stigma about looking like a skinhead, I’d bet that changes now. What I can’t understand is the incredible price for a buzz cut.

If they came by USPS, call your local postmaster. Believe it or not, the PO takes malice by mail quite seriously.

Pence would be more able. But never believe that nowhere is better than something

Pence would be more able. But never believe that nowhere is better than something

As much as I think Vicente Fox was bad for Mexico, I like it.