
I think we are all angry. I think we all wish these men could be in our shoes from time to time. I think that after working for ERA, all women understand that an amendment is absolutely necessary. Let’s get busy. I’m 72 and haven’t quit yet. Don’t stop now.

Men who never deal with the results of their sex lives still decide women’s existence. When will this end? I am 73 years old and hate the people who still dictate others lives. Frankly, it pisses me off.

When will we begin a discussion about a seriously frightening situation without making this a zero sum game? Wrong and right can be in all places

and 72 years old

Try being 5'3" and 123 lbs. Short, not skinny, not the right size and 72 years old

Now it has become not a discussion about abortion rights and how legislators represent their districts but about Catholics? What is it about Protestants and atheists that makes them obsess about a liturgy they have no interest in except to make it about them? Don’t get it.

Another Russian troll! Does Vladimir Putin sign your paycheck?

It is all about men and never about women. Therefore childbirth, pregnancy, child care, gynecology, obstetrics hold no interest with the people who wish to restrict half of the population’s choices (for want of a better description)

Anti-Irish? Not Britain but USA? In 2022? Really? No

You’ve written it - neither can I

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian author. Maybe that’s why she seems to be invisible?

Man explaining again. What?

May I direct our readers to the Quick crossword puzzle comment section of the Guardian, which as been going for years? It has even been written up in other papers and blogs as the kindest exchange on the internet. Old folks sometimes know what they’re doing.

It worked for “It’s Better Than Butter” quite a few years ago.

That’s what I thought the first time this came to my attention - it’s margarine, except more expensive.

Bougie? Crawfish? People can catch them for free in the marshy areas - the very definition of poor people food. 

This could define our entire government at this time - and we don’t even have a focused enemy.

Yes, that is true. The Panthers armed themselves exactly because people like this did. That’s why they decided to to that. They decided to demonstrate that black men could be armed under this 2nd amendment. This isn’t a new question. When children enter the equation, I ask why the men who accept money from a powerful

Like rape? Where the body sheds the nasty? Probably kinda.

Sheesh, yes. What type of a response is that? Let’s have our teachers carry weapon?. Let’s not instruct our children in first aid (as I was) to respond to an emergency, but tell them that this will be a life skill to attend school. These kids are proving to be quite eloquent and firm. There are thousands of them