
“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains and

Thanks for kicking the party trying to protect women and minorities again while it’s down, Sanders. We really need your voice to downplay how much of this vote was against a woman daring to protect the legacy of a black president, and how the evil spooky establishment means that you should totally just vote third

And if I hear one person say “don’t say Trump voters are racist! It hurts our feelings!” I’m going to vomit.

A pox on the houses of all the pseudo-intellectual Andrew Sullivan-esque grifters who wrote intellectually lazy screeds about the white working class being ignored, all in order to deflect from the simple fact that a plurality of their tribe thinks Trump is just swell.

I love when the Post publishes absolute gibberish. If the voters reject him, he is not a “hugely popular candidate.”

I love how people believe in the insane idea that Bernie could have beaten Trump with a platform of raising taxes on everyone to pay for what most people in America would call handouts, especially for minorities and young people. LOL to infinity.