
Haha yea. I'm assuming people in undeveloped nations don't have time for this kind of frivolous shit anyway

Isn't it a good thing that they're spending $30,000 on a hotel room though? The economy grows by people spending right? That's what the Keynsians tell me

If you make $33,000 a year (USD) then you're richer than half of the people in the world.

Lindy West - "I used to be much skinnier and now I'm fat. But most people aren't fat because of their decisions so you can't judge any of them!"

Silly feminists, always claiming to love science. Except when science challenges your worldview, then it's not real science. Convenient.

The one thing that conveniently gets pushed aside in the minimum wage discussion is that hardly anybody works for minimum wage, man or woman

"I'm tolerant. I tolerate my neighbors upstairs!"

No you misunderstand me. There will always be hate-filled people out there. My problem is that people like you guys claim to be the most tolerant, compassionate people on the earth then you come onto websites like Jezebel and wish for the death of entire segments of the population.

Let it be known that Progressives openly advocate the death and elimination of entire segments of the population.

What all you ugly, hate-filled scumbags don't understand is that doldrums understands the definition of "tolerance" better than any of you - understanding the truth that different people have different ideas/strengths/weaknesses and that you don't have to agree with or even like them, you just have to turn the other

The author of this article is just pissed b/c all the cities are in liberal states. She didn't have any way to turn the article into "shitting on conservatives" so she just said the whole list is bullshit. Great job!