
Working in the veterinarian industry, I can tell you that immune mediated disorders are directly linked to over vaccinating your dog or cat. It says explicitly on the label not to give to an animal that isn’t in perfect health... So if any pet has an underlying allergy or sensitivity, get ready to see it erupt. Also,

Get your dogs vaccinated. A puppy we fostered had been a “street rescue” and developed Canine Hepatitis shortly after we got her from our rescue group.

My 1 year old kitten was scheduled for her rabies booster, and her distemper booster. I asked my vet if I could do the rabies now, and the distemper later (in a few months), to space things out a bit due to this concern. She understood and agreed that the kitten would be okay to get the distemper booster done later. I

ACTUALLY, a lot of vets even recommend spacing some vaccines out because dogs can get sick if they get too many or mix certain ones at one time. By sick, I mean throwing up or rashes, not death.

Not “rando” just cautious about what I put into my dog. I am just suggesting caution. A little reading on Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)and its affects with in 30 days of vaccinations can prove enlightening. Of course with any studies, there are those for an against. And what does it hurt to space shots out a

Until your “indoor”cats had to be put down because they caught a bat that tested positive for rabies

My mom always kept our pets up to date, and so do I now. My wife’s mom on the other hand.. yeah no.

That’s correct. Different diseases are more prevalent in certain areas of the country so some places may require certain vaccinations while others may not. For the most part, rabies, parvo and distempter are the core vaccines most states require.

A lot of pet owners are not necessarily anti-vaccine but are concerned about over-vaccination. Over vaccination can be as harmful for some pets as the diseases they are trying to prevent. Some pet owners (and some vets) refuse to just follow an automatic yearly vaccination schedule of vaccines and boosters. They

I’m an adult now, so all my pets get all their shots. (Not just the ones required.) But as a kid, I don’t think my parents ever had any of our pets vaccinated. We never traveled with our pets, and never boarded them. I think most people ignore their pet’s healthcare as long as they appear healthy.

In fact it’s often advised that they not get them

Or take medical advice from veterinarians and not randos on the Internet

Seconded. Former Vet Tech as well, and yeah, annual vaccines are a way to get you into the office every year for an exam. 3 years protocols the deal for Rabies and Distemper in dogs folks, if you vet is doing it yearly it’s f0r the money. As for your cats—the new PureVax brands are safER but if you cat is indoor

Former veterinary nurse here (now Biologist) who is also vaccination fanatic. I have had vaccines for flu, MMR, tetanus, hepatitis and (yes) rabies. I am here to tell you, although anti-vax isn’t good, they are correct in questioning why in fuck’s name cats and dogs get rabies every single year (without dangerous

My only recommendation is to not do all the shots at once. All those meds going into their body at one time can overwhelm their systems. One of my dog’s litter-mates just passed away from that exact situation. All the drugs hitting his body proved too much for him and two weeks later he was gone. And this was a 100+

That’s not autism. that’s just being an asshole.

*Nah. We’re not gonna decap a cat if there’s even a slight possibly of ownership. Now if the cat bites someone and you surrender it (therefore it is no longer your property because animals are considered property) then it’s the health department.

Until your “indoor”cats had to be put down because they caught a bat that tested positive for rabies, which is what happened to my neighbor. I just shrugged when I heard because my indoor asshole, er cat is vaccinated.

Stop. Just stop. You are telling me your dog NEVER sets foot outside your house? It does 100% of it’s business INSIDE your house? EWWWW. You don’t have people over much, do you?

Vaccinate you pets, people. If you don’t want to I recommend googling distemper if you have a dog. It’s really fun in that mucus encrusted, self mutilation sort of way. Even in the poshest neighborhoods, guess what? I see a ton of raccoons and skunks infected and trundling around big fancy houses and condos with their