Yeah, but pre-order bonuses.
Yeah, but pre-order bonuses.
Yeah, I was bummed about Bernie being silent on Israel as well, but that’s a touchy issue with pretty much everyone. We’ve come far enough to have Bernie as a viable candidate, but not that far (yet).
Uhm... my ex-girlfriend said this to me back in the day... most of the women in her super conservative family said the same thing. It is a thing that women have said, just likely not in the circles you run in.
*snort laugh*
Not sure if Kanye has recently become a melting ice sculpture, or if global warming has just accelerated that fact.
I haven’t seen that yet, but I’ve heard good things!
Yikes. Nothing really bodes well for this series.
It does look super boring. I have approximately 0 interest in watching it, despite once really liking Bobby Canavale because of his role in The Station Agent.
Seriously. His calm, measured voice throughout was just genius.
Yeah, it’s 50/50, but when it works well, goddamn it looks awesome.
Good to know about the concealment!
Yep! My solution is generally one or two in overwatch (sniper or support) and let the others plan their own moves.
Later in the game perhaps, but I find being able to place my soldier and shots is more effective in most cases. There’s an innate aim penalty with overwatch, too.
True. The support tech tree is incredibly potent for overwatch too, especially once you add a scope and an aim PCS.
Overwatch is awesome - when your troops don’t miss the shot.
*laugh snort*
Ha! Sad, yet also highly likely. Boggles my mind, honestly.
Seriously. I think the average forum-going gamer at this point is just looking for things to idolize and complain about at this point.
I had so much fun with FO4 despite its flaws (first AAA title in ages I’ve done 100% on the achievements), and I’m so hyped for the DLC.
This is so depressingly on point. What the hell.