I Loathe Kinja

So, which one's the first-best game?

That's how I feel about most of these ''innovations'' for which I fail to find any discernible purpose, rather than the (bragging?) rights for the creator to say, ''I made it and it's different than anything else out there.'' Kind of like in some gaming-fueled, hipster mentality.

Guess what? I found Half-Life boring. I could never get into it, but that was quite some time ago. It's funny that Luke just now happens to post his review of Black Mesa, because I just literally finished downloading it. I figure, due to my age, I might not have had the sensibility to appreciate Half-Life when it came

Yeah, I actually don't mind the new voice-overs. I like Jennifer Hale's voice, and Patrick Zimmerman does a better, gruffer Ocelot. Cam Clarke also does a more stylish Liquid Snake. I did, however, like the original Col. Campbell better, and I liked Naomi's accent on the PS1 original.

Hmm... he said it dealt with a ''taboo topic,'' so unless he acknowledges our stigma against social gaming as taboo, then you might be onto something. I hope not, though.

Yeah, another guy told me that in his opinion, the N64 entry was the best one. Do you know if you can download it for the Wii? If so, that'll be a good reason to get it out and connect it to the TV again. It's been literally gathering dust. :P

Was it British? I thought the character was supposed to be Australian? It's been several years since I played it. I'm probably wrong, lol. Also, I didn't know (or don't remember either) that Mei Ling was raised in the U.S. Guess it's racial profiling if they gave her an accent, then. :P

Hehe, no worries as far as the draft goes. I'm flattered you even remember it! :P

Hopefully, the N64 one can be downloaded for the Wii. If so, I'll be getting that one.

To be fair, Twin Snakes was directed by a different person. I don't remember who it was exactly, but it was some movie guy. If memory serves, I think it's the same dude from Battle Royale.

BROTHERRRR!! It's been too long. We're not copies of our father, after all!!

Hey, what's the deal with those Harvest Moon games? I've never played a single one of them, but as of late, I've been seeing it everywhere! If I were to try one out, which one would you recommend? What the hell are they even about? :P

Yup. I beat Prime 1, but never beat the sequel. So a short while ago I beat Other M, and was left with a Metroid fever. I dug up my copy of Prime 2, and didn't even bother finishing it. What an extremely boring game...

I don't know if you're sorta trollin' me, but... I fucking love Beavis and Butthead!

There are quite a few. Last year, The Fury gave me a tough time again in the HD re-release... I don't think I had so much trouble back in 2004. Also, Praying Mantis and Vamp (both on 2 and 4).

Oh, man... I haven't stopped laughing my ass off. That is one fantastic picture. Kind sir, would you happen to play Peace Walker (on PS3)?


Wow. That's a lotta' E's and A's.

Was Anthony tasked with writing the story for fear that Ash would punch you in the nuts again?

If Laughing Octopus makes an appearance, when she yells ''LAAAAUUUUGH!!!'' Fatman would pop out of nowhere and add ''...and grow fat.'' :D