I Loathe Kinja

Can't argue with that.

Heh, tell me about it. By the way, you sir, have a mighty fine user name!

Nah, still not clever/funny. I don't know if I should tell you to try harder, or to not try so hard. But you're welcome to try again, if you'd like.

Yeah, that was cute at the beginning, but now you just look like you're trying way too hard. I guess 13-year-olds aren't as imaginative as I had thought.

Sweet, I'm getting this for my PS3. I still have a copy of the Dreamcast original, but I could never get past the sewer level. Also, I loved the highlight of the game's (often overlooked) message of rebellion against a seemingly fascist state. Keep 'em coming, Mr. Person!

Oh come on, I expected a better reply. I mean, given that you're such a smartass, I thought you'd do better than that.

Who the hell calls himself/herself an ''iPhone gamer''??? You have your 360 gamers, you have your PS3 gamers, and you have your PC gamers. But go out there and say ''hey, I'm an iPhone gamer'' and people will laugh at you.

Um, yeah, lol. I might need some help, because it seems I am completely clueless when it comes to mods. I'm primarily a console gamer, though I use Steam. Add me on Steam, if you want; same user name as here.

Are you angry? Feelings hurt, maybe? Dude, get laid.

Suddenly, I feel way more paranoid than I did five minutes ago.

Since I don't know the logistics of it, I can't say if releasing it as a digital-only title would be a smart move, or not. Sony did it with Siren: Blood Curse (it was released as a digital-only game in North America, whereas in the rest of the world it got a retail version), so maybe that could've worked. Oh, well; I

Microsoft charges $40,000 USD for each and every patch that gets released for an Xbox 360 game. I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that Silent Hill HD didn't sell as much as, say, Modern Warfare 3, which means that it didn't generate an absurdly high amount of profit. Which means that it would be stupid to pay

The sad thing about these stories is that regardless of how much exposure they receive, the impact on society is minimal. People simply don't care. They would rather have other people from across the globe being treated like shit, before giving up their fashionable accessories. Sure, they might read it and go, ''oh,

Oh, it does. You might not feel the effect, bu caffeine affects your body. YOU CAN'T STOP IT!!

Yeah, well, I have it, but... um... in The PS3 version of The Orange Box... *cough*


Does this mean that I won't have to own a copy of Half-Life 2, in order to be able to play this game now? Because as interesting as this seems, I can't play the mod, since I don't have HL2.

No, no, and fuck no. Fine, get whatever projects you've got done. Go on, do 'em. And THEN write this up, dude. I expect it on my desk by the end of (some?) week.