
I mean, real talk but even now however many years since it released, $20 for A Link Between Worlds is a steal. Really an excellent game. And given that the Switch Online version of OOT (and, presumably, MM) aren’t/won’t be the superior 3DS versions, get them.

Good to see Jason expanding his portfolio from just canceling releases to canceling releases in favor of converting them to full games.

You want to talk about bad remasters, the Switch remaster of FFX is giving me popups for touchscreen controls and dims the screen during long cutscenes like an iPad getting ready to go to sleep.

That is DEFINITELY not why people were angry at CDPR - they were angry because when asked why there were no people of color in Wither 3, the devs said it was because it was a setting based on medieval Poland (true), and that there were no black people in medieval Poland (laughably, provably, EXTREMELY false).

Although based on the stories of Destiny’s development woes, many (though not all) of which could be traced to the engine and development tools, I wonder how valuable that is for anyone outside of Bungie.

I probably got a lot wrong - I was going off memory, and hadn’t actually read the book for a few years.

Is there a EULA for the original N64? If so, I’d assume it was included in the instruction manual, since I don’t remember having to agree to anything when I played the actual game.

*Pushes glasses up nose

So, canonically, the Zelda series is split into three timeline, all of which branch off from OOT, and each timeline contains different mainline Zelda games: there’s a timeline where Link just vanishes and Ganon conquers the world (this one is basically the world the game starts in, and leads to either Zelda 1 and 2 or

Supplements isn’t right either, since selling crap is the ONLY way an F2P game gets income (setting aside, for the moment, that Infinite’s campaign isn’t free and both the campaign and MP presumably shared a budget).

There’s also Proof-of-Stake operations, which Etherium is supposedly moving to, which drastically lowers energy consumption, but does so at the cost of throwing whatever security blockchain has overboard by making it infinitely easier for a malicious actor to control. In the end, both PoS and PoW blockchain are (bad) s

I like MST3K’s Twitch channel, since all it is is a 24/7 stream of MST epixodes.

Consumer goodwill means jack. Software sales (or Gamepass subs) are what move the needle, and if there’s one thing that the entire history of gamers should have taught us, it’s that gamers have the long-term memory of a goldfish. Every CoD player currently fuming about no more CoD on Playstation will still buy it on

The only way you’re going to be playing upcoming CoD games on a DualSense controller is on your PC, or if Sony lets Gamepass onto the Playstation. I 100% guarantee that.

“Bro, I am not a computer scientist and I can’t explain all the technical stuff how about blockchain works, but I have watched a lot of youtube videos on it

Just an FYI, Luke, but it looks like a related story widget is broken, and the first two paragraphs of your NBA 2K22 review have replaced the end of this story.

I’m just gonna say it: GI Joe cards were much cooler than Pokemon cards. Man, the Marvel GI Joe series was seriously violent. Characters got killed for real all the time, even longstanding Joes, and there’s that one issue where a Cobra Trooper (or maybe Crimson Guardsman, I forget) sees Snake-Eyes without his mask and

Finishing up Final Fantasy 9, then either Metroid Dread, Skyward Sword, or Battle Chasers: Nightwar.

I haven’t even played the game (my Xbox is back in the States and my work laptop would melt into a puddle trying to play a modern game), and I assumed it was Cortana the second I saw her.

Well there’s your problem. You’re copy/pasting from an Old English source.