
Let me just say that Call of the Sea is a really excellent game, and is well worth the purchase if you miss out on Gamepassing it.

Exactly. The Catalyst/Star Child IS full of shit, to the point that (depending on how you get there) you may have already disproved its entire thesis by negotiating peace between the Geth and Quariens.Why assume it’s telling the truth here?

The reason Destroy kills the Geth and EDI but not Shepard is that EDI was designed from reverse-engineered Reaper code, and the only way for the Geth to make it to the final battle is to let Legion upload the Reaper-engineered code that allows true sapience to the rest of the Geth collective. Ironically, if it hadn’t

Not just two-way, but that they were (mostly) player-created. Like, portals and teleporters in videogames haven’t been new for a long time. Giving the player the freedom and responsibility to place them in useful positions is what was really cool.

“searching mostly useless rooms for weapons you won’t be able to even use in the next biome”

They’ve said that at least one more class will be added over the course of the Beta.

Radiant is definitely the way to go. The biggest thing it does is speeds up XP gain, which means the frustrating parts (having to nearly start from scratch because you made a bad choice to push on and lost a bunch of high level heroes to a party wipe) are less monotonous to recover from. Plus, if you want to go back

I mean, you could just as easily say that about any RPG - Cloud is trying to stop Sephiroth and save the world! That Bhaalspawn needs to rescue Imoen! Geralt is desperately trying to find Ciri! Ezio needs to avenge his family’s murder by killing Roderigo (?) Borgia! Shepard has to stop the Reapers from wiping out all

“From a video-gaming perspective alone, think about the value of minting an item that you get in the latest version of Diablo or Borderlands and being able to truly “own” that item. This opens a much more reliable secondary market and may help to prevent theft or cloning. Just my thoughts, proceed in tearing them to

Only time I do straight throws anymore is for Weedle/Caterpie (since I always overshoot them if I try a curveball), and when a ‘mon just hangs out on the right side of the screen, since I can’t for the life of me pull off a southpaw curve.

To be snarky, what makes them Limited Edition is that it’s pretty likely the only ‘physical’ copies that’ll ever be produced because the market for this thing came and went a decade ago.

Let’s see them go crazy and start adding Nick at Nite characters in a misguided attempt to attract baby boomers. Was Get Smart on Nick at Nite? ‘Cause I’d buy this to main Maxwell Smart.

Rise and Shadow are both excellent games; if they’re available on a platform you play on, you should absolutely check them out.

For one thing, the lack of respecs. Investing dozens of hours into a character only to find out that I don’t like the playstyle, or my build gets nerfed, or it just doesn’t fit in with the builds of the friends I want to play with sucks.

That may be true, but no more so than any grand strategy game set in the early 20th Century could appeal to racists by letting them create their own Thousand Year Reich. Scum/creeps are going to find ways to get their scum/creep on no matter what.

Oh, morally, 300 is absolutely repugnant. But as pure visual spectacle, it’s incredible.

So he can be kicked.

Somehow, Kinja gets worse every week. Clicking on notifications just takes you to the story, not the actual comment that got replied to, which can be a problem if you’ve commented on several threads. On Firefox, I can’t expand the hidden comments more than once; it just stops working.

Wasn’t Boyfriend Dungeon crowdfunded? If so, I have to imagine that’s why. Crowdfunded games give players (or at least backers) a sense of ownership and partnership in the game’s development process far greater, I think, than even early access games like Hades.

I really need to go back to this game - I enjoyed it immensely early on, but hit a bug that wiped out my character progression almost entirely. I understand they’ve since fixed it, however.