
Funnily enough, in the old EU canon, Fett himself didn’t like the name and regretted giving it to the ship. Though that was less for reasons of taste or morality and more that naming it Slave 1 made other bounty hunters wonder if he had a second or third ship.

Just meant to be the opposite of Neon White - neon colors are extremely vibrant, while pastels are very soft and washed out. And black, of course, is the opposite of white.

Cale: I think I’ll call it... “Bob.

“Pastel Black”.

Man, it’s a shame that Evolve died so quickly, because that game was a BLAST.

Man, this game sounds amazing; I’ll definitely be adding it to my list.

Hey, say what you will about the Ultramarines, Space Marine was a blast  and Captain Titus was the man.

Of course their leader does (unknowingly) wield an alien sword that devours the souls of dead enemies to unnaturally prolong his life long past what it should be.

On a faction basis, not really. The factions range from pretty evil to shockingly evil. Even the Tau, who on the surface seem like decent enough folk, are a species with an unbelievably rigid caste-based society that are mind controlled by their leaders and are perfectly willing to forcibly sterilize alien populations

Uh, what? Are you suggesting they stop... printing cards entirely because idiots are idiots?

I don’t know. I’d be pretty happy with the LEGO Holiday Special being canon.

As a reminder, the ‘outdated platforms’ people are complaining about are the consoles for which it was sold - There’s still no PS5 or XSX versions for sale. It’s a pretty basic and reasonable assumption for a game to function properly - at least comparably to the publisher’s own promotional videos - on the platforms

I mean, ES6 and FO5 will 100% DEFINITELY be Xbox/PC exclusives. But yeah.

But on the other:

I’m of two minds about this. One the one hand:

That was a different game. And a different developer, as Watch_Dogs is a Ubisoft game.

I still eagerly look forward to the day I GET TO his second phase.

I’m playing through DS 3 right now and I just got to the Storm King. So at least one of them is mounted! But I guess king =/= knight.

It IS another Souls game, and I DO like those!

If you ignore the opinions pieces about how gross CoD’s brand of jingoism, or the CIA puffery of Just Cause (as well as many, many other games and series) that this website, along with many others, have run, that would be true.