
Maybe because they keep waving Confederate and Nazi flags? Just a thought.

And the odd Lobster Thermidor.

I can certainly see it happening - they don’t look all that different from the seasoning packets included in many boxed rices or pastas.

I mean, I’ve bought food that had silica packets included to keep whatever it was dry.

I mean, the most likely thing to happen is someone clicked a spearphishing link in an email, and that’s less an IT issue and more a training issue - a few months ago, people in my company were getting a bunch of phishing emails supposedly from our CEO.

Didn’t we already have an MCU Enchantress in Agents of SHIELD?

Mass Effect isn’t that far removed from Star Wars in terms of how Fantasy it is - everything from biotics to indoctrination is just Space Magic with enough technobabble layered over it to fit in a setting with spaceships instead of horses.

Definitely agree about Eden Prime - though given Sovereign’s also missing its lightning effects, I’m hoping that’s not the finished scene - but Virmire still gives me the same vibe, just with better execution.

Didn’t Black Ops 2 include an entire playable version of Zork?

I tend to be Renegade in story beats, but more Paragon when I’m interacting with squadmates and crew in the game.

You can definitely reconcile them as a Renegade.

By good, I really just meant having the option to make the choices and access the Synthesis ending.

I’m fairly certain I was able to get the ‘best’ ME3 ending with my nearly pure Renegade Sheperd.

There were definitely some things you could have screwed up years ago that’d come back to bite you in ME3 - did you torch the Rachni Queen way back when, you monster? Tough luck, then.

I mean, the reason you don’t let Zaeed lead the B-team is that he’s such an abrasive asshole that his last team tried to kill him rather than deal with him any longer.

Legion springs to mind as the male version of this - both the comic book and the show.

Who would be nice when they find out you’ve been banging a hologram of them?

Weren’t there two episodes? One where he creates the program to fix some problem, and then another later on where she’s visiting the Enterprise and finds out about his holoprogram?

Just added that there to hedge my bets since I was going off memory - I’m genuinely shocked I got her name right.

Also the one where Geordi falls in love with a holodeck character he made based on Leah Brahms, the designer of the Enterprise’s warp engines or something.