
The only thing I’d argue about is that I don’t think Pietro’s mention snapped her out of anything.

I’d say his Death and Return of Superman video from a million years ago is funny, and Shocker: Legit is pretty great, for a hard R superhero fanfic.

I thought uPlay was being phased out entirely? I could have sworn I read an article a couple weeks ago about Ubisoft permanently unlocking all the content that used to be gated behind uPlay. Maybe that was just for older games they were ending support for.

Celeste is so good. I’d quibble with calling it ‘tough as nails’ though - that makes it sound terribly unwelcoming. One thing that seems to get forgotten when people talk about it is its nearly perfect difficulty curve. The designers do a fantastic job of teaching skills and techniques and escalating the challenge

Celeste is so good. I’d quibble with calling it ‘tough as nails’ though - that makes it sound terribly unwelcoming.

Looks like, at least what critics have seen in advance, is 30 minutes each.

Closest I can think to pulling something like that off was Metroid Prime’s grapple beam, but that was solely for traversal, and in a fairly slowly paced game.

I guess I don’t see the problem here. They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and start their own the largest cloud storage vendor in the world. Seems easy enough.

You can buy a pig’s head pretty easily at most real butcher shops. The gallon or two of blood might raise a few eyebrows, though.

On the one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, she’s the Speaker of the House, and while she probably doesn’t get President-level death threats, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone at that level of political fame putting a few security cameras up.

Man, how did I not know this was a thing? Guess that’s what I get for not checking the UnDeadspin Twitter anymore.

Isn’t Breakdown on Games with Gold this month?

Heck, you don’t even save the princess in Ocarina of Time, and in Breath of the Wild, it’s more like you’re reinforcing or relieving Zelda.

I think the car combat game craze was a little before the Xbox’s time - more like the PS1/Dreamcast era. I loved Vigilante 8: Second Offense, and that weird Star Wars vehicle combat game on my Dreamcast. Blood Wake felt like a relic even when it came out.

The best/worst, at least in the sense that, while I didn’t get what I wanted, I got something much better, was the time my grandma tried to get me Super Thunder Blade, and got me Thunder Force III instead.

Consequences in the sense that they probably won’t get a free pass on certification going forward, but Cyberpunk sold like gangbusters and will probably continue to sell really well, particularly as they get the bugs ironed out. They’re not going to be banned from the PS Store or XBL or anything.

It’s already been talked about. CDPR admitted in the big investor call that’s been reported on that they misled Sony and Microsoft about their ability to get the PS4/Xbone versions up to snuff with a Day One or Zero patch, and since they had, until now, about as sterling a reputation as a developer could have, Sony

I bought Flashback on Switch a while ago, and while the game is INCREDIBLY frustrating in many places, the animation of the main character is incredible. Really makes me wish I’d bought it back when I was a kid and had more patience for sloppy platforming (or at least a budget limited enough that I had to forgive it

You know, you really have to give CDPR credit - most developers would struggle to squander the amount of goodwill they built up thanks to Witcher 3 in a year or two, but here they are dumping it all in less than a week.

Still seems like you’d wait a day or two until you got your capture issues figured out. You only get one chance to make a first impression, after all.

I’m going to give Bo-Katan the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s checked that the planet she plans to rule and rebuild still exists. ;)