
Yeah, I totally missed the Ahsoka announcement and saw it after posting. I thought I’d gotten my edit in before anyone responded. Ah well!

Is it? They never mentioned a genetic scan, just a facial scan. It’s certainly possible you’re right, but unless there was a line of dialogue I missed, I can’t agree.

I don’t want to reignite the ME3 controversy, but you can absolutely get the best ending without touching multiplayer.

You’re right that just scanning a face without checking it against a list of authorized users is pretty mind-bogglingly stupid as far as security measures go, but whatever. It’s not like many of the Empire’s other design decisions make a lot of sense.

If this turns out to be actual time travel and not Tapestry 2, saving Prime Lorca could be a fun way to not only show she’s changed, but get Jason Isaacs back into the mix.

Absolutely. Wasn’t it Mirror Stamets that taught Prime Stamets how to find his way out of the mycelial network when he was catatonic from jumping them there? And I could be misremembering, but didn’t that also lead, indirectly, to Hugh’s resurrection?

Gabrielle landed somewhere besides Terralesium the last time she jumped to the future and was rescued by some random Qowat Milat. She wound up joining their order, and for one reason or another wound up on Vulkan/Ni’var.

Ubisoft had some excellent Wii exclusives - ZombieU, Red Steel, Raving Rabbids.

That’s my take as well. Either as a purely psychological change (hopefully) or because Cronenberg secretly changed her DNA to remove the Terran mutation that make them all conniving backstabbers - I really hope that part was a lie that he told her to mess with her; the Mirror Universe being LITERALLY darker than the

B-Wings! Heck yeah!

Right? Like, give me a billion dollars and I’ll be so busy enjoying said billion dollars that I won’t have time for this kind of public display.

Is that what we ate?

As Wadsworth pointed out, “Monkey’s brains, though popular in Cantonese cuisine, are not often to be found in Washington DC.”

It does that to me on Firefox when I open images posted in the comments. Not all the way up to the top, but a bit up and I have to scroll back down.

The Dark Souls wiki claims it was added with the Prepare To Die edition/Artorius of the Abyss DLC, but who knows. I sold my 360 copy a while ago after I bought Dark Souls Remastered.

The one in the Oolacile Coliseum? Wasn’t that part of the original Artorius of the Abyss expansion? Granted, it’s been a while since I played the original version, so I may be misremembering.

Let’s not forget the miniskirts the Enterprise-D was handing out randomly.

The other problem is that Max’s Interceptor is so much less fun to play in than the Magnum Opus you spent all game getting exactly how you wanted it. If only there was a doghouse upgrade for it, both so that you could cruise around with the dog, and not have to head back to a settlement to swap vehicles whenever you

Sure, fair point, but what do you do with all the dudes in their 50s carrying 50 extra pounds who aren’t looking to muster out? Maybe you shuffle them off to patrol backwater parts of the galaxy where they’re not likely to stumble across Imperial Remnants.