
Assuming she is cold-blooded, it would still help her retain heat, right? A pan of lasagna isn’t generating its own heat, but when you put it in an insulated carrier, it stays warm longer.

And why not? He wants to get the Child to its people, but he also undoubtedly wants to see some Mandalorians again. Plus, dropping off Fett’s armor is probably a high priority, to not only get it off his hands, but onto the next generation.

I’m not sure that ‘stay and deal with traffic cops’ was a realistic option, given that, when they ran his space plates, they found his ship had been nearby the jailbreak. Any deeper investigation would show that he was part of that - we see THAT at the end where, byt he time the X-Wings set down in the cave, they’ve

While Occam’s Razor seldom applies to AC stories, it seems like the simplest and most likely explanation is simply that Eivor is a trans character. In the historic sections, you play as female Eivor because that’s the character’s birth gender, and in the ‘fantasy’ segments you play as male Eivor, as that’s how the

It’s an especially stupid claim, given the haul the Darkest Dungeon board game just took in on Kickstarter.

Hugh and Stamets on Discovery, Rosa on Brooklyn-99 (technically not a couple, I think, but whatever), Maeve and Elena on The Boys, arguably Bortus and his mate (whose name I’m blanking on right now on The Orville). That’s off the top of my head.

Yeah. I’m not a fan of Sony’s controllers - I find the offset thumbsticks Microsoft uses more comfortable - but the DualSense just seems so COOL that it alone makes me consider going PS this generation. I probably won’t, as I’ve got far too many Xbox One games still unplayed, but still.

Or, alternately, they downloaded an updated Encyclopedia Galactica while the crew was enjoying shore leave on Earth. There’s no reason to think they would update Discovery’s library computer.

Pretty sure in E1 of this season, Book mentioned the dilithium recrystalizer Tilly’s penpal from last season designed - presumably most of the naturally occurring dilithium also went boom, so what’s left is endlessly recycled scraps that were salvaged from derelicts over the years since the Burn.

There will be exclusives, just not at launch. And honestly, most console launch exclusives are, at best, middling once you get a year or two into the system’s library.

The Series S will mean that developers can’t take full advantage of the power of the Series X because they have to support both.

Hey faker, this isn’t hard to understand, given that it’s the way PC gaming has worked for decades.

For me, the temptation lies in the fact that I’m still gaming on my launch Xbox One. It’s been a real workhorse, but it’s definitely pretty long in the tooth. But even then, I don’t see myself pulling the trigger until sometime next year.

But, like, what IS the deal with that arm?

This is probably a dumb question, but wouldn’t this be a sequel to Bravely Second? Did Square decide to wipe that from memory? Is Edea finally going to get the Main Character credit she should have had in the original only to be brushed aside in favor of Beige Personified Tiz?

The Star Wars EU was DEFINITELY meant to be canon, albeit at a lower level of canon than stuff that appeared in movies/on TV if there had been a Star Wars TV show during the EU’s run. You can find plenty of quotes about it with some Google. I think the levels went something like movies > books/comics > video games >

I’d forgotten about How Much For Just the Planet? which I finally got around to reading last year. Amazing.

Man, the old Trek novels went some CRAZY places. I can’t remmeber the title, but there’s an old TOS novel where the Enterprise tests a new type of engine that takes them halfway to Andromeda, but it fuses the crew’s minds into a gestalt consciousness that hallucinates the entire journey as a march on foot, and then

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How is this not on the list? Heck, the scene in the circus with the feral dinos is (I seem to remember) pretty scary too, especially considering the tone the rest of the movie takes.

Man, I cannot wait. Between that and the Kickstarter for a DD board game, this is a big day.