
It’s worth it, IMO. I’d definitely suggest playing on Radiant difficulty. That’ll teach you the strategies you’ll need, and smooths out most of the grindiness without neutering the challenge.

Honestly, it still baffles me that there’s so little attempt by AA or AAA studios to satisfy some of that Zelda demand.

If you think Nintendo isn’t eagerly waiting to sell a bunch of old Zelda games on Switch next year, I’d like to talk to you about this amazing bridge I have for sale.

I’m sure you’ve watched the episode by now and drawn your own conclusions, but here’s my take: I was with you right up until the last five minutes. “Ugh! Another Trek show that feels the need to destroy the Federation and its ideals to manufacture drama!” But the part at the end with Sahil is what gives ME hope.

I mean, it’s literally the pinned comment that he himself made on the YouTube video, so the headline seems like an accurate summation of the conditions for the patch release. Maybe he’s regretting putting it that way, but Ian’s not obligated to report on what he, in retrospect, wishes he’d said.

I was going to post the exact same thing! Now if only their app developers would get it together enough to add Crazy Crust as an option so I don’t have to ask the employees to add it when I pick it up.

It is, and just like how people complaining about all the GW-branded shovelware there is, folks back int he day were complainging about Star Wars shovelware. Yoda Stories? Masters of Teras Kasi? Obi-Wan?

They’re still doing patches and such. There’s your support right there. I get wanting more from Squadrons, but this is exactly what EA promised Squadrons would be - a complete game experience without additions and people were happy to hear that at the time.

To be clear, I haven’t played or own most of those. I’m just going by reviews and what friends who’ve played them have told me. I’ll still go to bat for DoW2 and Space Marine any day of the week though.

I mean, there’s a difference between ‘dropping all support’ and promising from the get go that it was a one-and-done non-SAAS title. If people now WANT it to be SAAS, then, like, be careful what you wish for, right?

Vermintide 1 and 2, Total Warhammer 1 and 2, Inquisitor Martyr, Mechanicus, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, Deathwing, Space Marine (though that’s a bit older - still an absolute blast). All of these range from good to great, I’d say.

I’ll just say that, regardless of how you label them, when your face buttons are arranged in a diamond, the bottom one should be Enter/Accept/Whatever and the right one should be Cancel/Back.

It IS going to be used by a relatively small number of people, and that number will tail off as time goes on and we get further and further into the next generation’s lifecycle, but it’s exactly at the beginning of the generation where the PR benefits of doing cross-generation saves, migrations, and game upgrades will

Exactly! Like, X Marks the Spot is why it’s an action button in the West? No, it’s because it’s the bottom button on the controller. A is the action button on Xbox, after all.

I can’t imagine why you think your sarcasm would be obvious, given that you didn’t give anyone any reason to think it WAS sarcasm - no non-sarcastic follow-up to give the lie to your sarcastic line, no extreme exaggeration (assuming you were being sarcastic, your sarcastic line was right in line with the genuine

Thanks for so efficiently letting everyone know you don’t understand software development.

Maybe it’s just because I primarily play single-player games, but I literally can’t remember the last time I turned on my Xbox only to be blocked from playing a game because of an update, outside of installing a new game. I see it happen on my Switch fairly regularly, but that’ll just let me ignore the update until

A lot of hate keeps getting thrown Bowser’s way for his repeated attempts to kidnap Peach, but I just want to throw this out there: Are we sure he isn’t just a single father trying to get some child support from a deadbeat mom who runs her own justice system and can make sure any legal attempts he makes to get her to

I mean, what they’re doing NOW is LITERALLY the first step. What do you think the first step SHOULD be? Announcing ten new Xbox-exclusive mainline Final Fantasies? Buying Nintendo? Outselling Sony without even launching in the territory? Deploying a constellation of Playstation 5-targeting killer satellites in

I have no idea why I conflated Google and Amazon with the bit about Luna and Stadia.