
Sure, Microsoft isn’t decent competition for Sony in Japan right now, but, uh, that’s the whole point of this? Trying to BECOME that competition? How do you think someone gets from being in a bad position compared to a competitor to a good one? Certainly not by throwing up their hands and walking away, but it seems

Man, I loved that game.

That’s fair, but Xbox, 360, and Xbone games are going to make up an increasingly small share of someone’s library as the generation goes on, and that external hard drive will eventually be all but irrelevant as new games need storage.

What a bizarre attitude. No, they’re almost certainly not going to win soon, or, possibly, ever, but why would that stop them from trying? Why would you WANT them to stop from trying? Who benefits if Microsoft ignores Japan? Sony, I guess, but that’s about it. Meanwhile, a Microsoft that’s trying to attract Japanese

I’d be a lot more interested if there was any chance this was going to lead to playable Fallen Guardians.

Assuming Avowed is really competition for Elder Scrolls - does it have the kind of mod focus the ES games traditionally have? - given how long Elder Scrolls games take to produce, I’m certain Microsoft would be happy to have two open world fantasy franchises to alternate releases.

Have the 1/100 robots assembling them as dioramas?

You know what? I’ll give them a pass on the thing with tactical gear, if only because I feel in my bones that there’s a strong intersection in the Venn diagram between ‘people who buy Monster energy drinks’ and ‘people who buy tactical gear they don’t need’, and a smart man could make a killing with some

I just hope it happens. That’s the one Zelda game I’ve never played at all.

At a guess, to try and discourage just this kind of thing. I imagine someone at Disney wanted to be sure players wouldn’t be banging official NPCs before signing off on this expansion.

Absolutely. I’m right-handed, so I’m used to having game worlds that mirror my handedness, but I totally understand how things like that matter to people.

That’s, uh, not the point.

That’s why I never finished Twilight Princess - the actual combat was fun, but my arm got tired cutting grass to top off my lantern oil and bag some rupees and I just threw in the towel then and there.

It’s not like this issue hasn’t existed since the dawn of PC gaming, and high-end titles look great on bleeding edge systems while still running on lower-end ones.

At the end of the day, confused parents or grandparents will probably be asking the salesperson at Best Buy or Walmart or whatever and get steered to this model.

I mean, the unfriendly Xbox fans didn’t call people ‘peasants’ in this conversation, so they’ve got that going for them.

The 3DS version of Majora is so much better than the N64 original. I know Heather wasn’t a big fan of it letting you save anywhere because of how it affected the theme of the game, but I loved how it better respected players’ time. Plus, getting the Slow/Fast Time songs sooner and adding the Bomber Notebook were

Yeah, he was just such a letdown because the rest of the game is so good about taking the right amount of time to ‘test’ how well you’ve learned its lessons, and here it just kept going, long past the point where I felt like I’d shown I knew what to do.

I mean, they could have literally just animated the wheels spinning forward and back and it would have looked so much better than nothing.

3D World is also coming to Switch, albeit on its own and in February.