
A: This is awesome. I will happily buy this Day One, particularly since I never had a Wii or WiiU.

Celeste is one of the most perfect games I’ve ever played. Scrupulously fair, heartfelt and touching, and with a near-perfect difficulty curve that means you’re always being asked to do things that are just barely within your abilities. The only gripe I have about it is the ‘boss’ of the hotel level, and only because

Sadly, I think it’s safe to assume that if they didn’t bother to animate the wheels on her wheelchair, they’re not planning for her to be anything but window dressing.

If that’s a pricetag, he shops for spatulas at flea markets which is... certainly an option I’ve never considered in my life until this point. But considering no human being needs that many spatulas, I’d assume it’s just kitchen decoration.

Bug, or hidden feature?

To be serious for a second, I’d play the heck out of an Overlord 3.

The face is pretty bad, but I really just wanted to talk about the cape.

I was prepared to crap on the design after Todd McFarlane, the friggin’ MASTER of absurd capes downsized Batman’s cape, but he’s right - it does look a lot better from behind curved in on itself - the Arkham games are fantastic, but Batman’s cape gets pretty boring to stare at for an entire game. Of course, this

If it’s available on a physical medium, I generally prefer it. This is especially true if it’s the kind of game I expect to love and want to return to, or that I think I’d like to share with friends or family - it’s the same reason I prefer my book to be made of paper. Then again, I also prefer my movies/shows on

Look, Barry’s not great at masks in general, okay?

Speaking only for myself, my dream Arkham co-op game doesn’t have health bars to chip away at on regular grunt enemies, crafting, being able to skip Predator play entirely to fight your way through encounters with gun toting enemies, or skill trees (which, to be fair, is just a guess based on the dev talking about

I mean, there’s loot/crafting, health bars on mooks, a Mr. Freeze boss fight that’s all about whittling down a health bar instead of making clever use of the environment, and while it’s certainly POSSIBLE that stealth ala Arkham is possible, it sure didn’t look like it. Don’t get me wrong, the Arkham games had

Joker wasn’t really the main villain, though. I could be misremembering, but don’t you capture Joker like halfway through Origins, and then Bane is the main focus for the rest of the game?

Listen, I always love a good joke that goes way, way, WAY too long for the sake of a terrible pun. I once nearly got kicked from my WoW guild during a raid for telling a 45 minute joke that ended with a lame pun.

There was a TNG novel long time ago - I want to say it was called Q Squared, but I might be mistaken. Anyway, it ran with the idea that Trelaine was a juvenile Q, maybe even Q’s son, since it was before Voyager was a thing and they did a Q has a son story. Anyway, the main gist of the novel was to show how benign Q

No, Fish seems to be an enormous tool. I’m just saying that he stuck to his convictions, even if they were stupid and petty.

The TR reboots as a whole have great squeezing through tight passages segments, if only because the series also likes to use them as setpieces while Lara’s trying to escape yet another collapsing ruin or cave. And sometimes they’re underwater, which genuinely gets me anxious.

Phil Fish and... that’s about it, at least in video games.

Iron Man looks like Fat Will Riker from, like, Star Trek: Insurrection or something, Cap looks like a middle-aged cosplayer at an NRA convention, Thor looks bland, Hulk looks okay, I guess. Scarlet Widow... there’s something profoundly wrong about her hair. Like, it looks like a shade of red dye that was banned in the

Big crossover potential with SeaQuest: DSV.