
Star Trek: Cetacean Ops?

Yeah. Even the mine defusal tank battles weren’t bad; it’s mostly the stealth tank battles against Arkham Knight and Deathstroke(?) that sucked. Tearing around Gotham in the Batmobile, on the other hand, was an absolute blast.

I know the general consensus on Arkham Knight was pretty cool, but I’ve loved every Arkham game thus far, so I’m psyched for this. I willa dmit, the Suicide Squad was far from my first choice for Rocksteady to tackle - they nailed Batman so well in the Arkham series that I would have loved to see them try their hand

If it’s in the Arkhamverse (and why wouldn’t it be), Deathstroke was inducted into the Squad at the end of Arkham: Blackgate - which was a legitimately fun Metroidvania, albeit one let down by its more grounded setting.

Check out for the old (good) style.

Between the weird capitalization and the artificial moon, I was leaning more towards a JRPG city, but that works too.

You’re right that that kind of societal knowledge is a big head start, as long as it’s accessible (YouTube videos don’t do any good if you’re cut off from the internet or electricity) and remembered (if you find yourself tossed back in time, building an airplane is probably going to be pretty low on your list of

Yeah, I loved those books back in the day. I read three or four of them before drifting away from the series.

Who’s to say someone didn’t write those things down long ago, but they’ve lost so much technological context that they’re seen as esoteric religious texts or something now?

Loss of an existing tech base - imagine a medium-sized city from any first world nation got thrown back into medieval times. Assuming they had a power plant with them, how long would it be before whatever supply of fuel they had for it was exhausted? Before maintenance used up the space components they had on hand to

You could probably get to the end of the game in 8-10 hours if you mostly stick to the main path - though that can be easier said than done, wince you’ll probably wind up going to a lot of side areas naturally in the course of finding your way to where you need to go. I’d still recommend it, though. It’s delightful and

That’s true, and I wish it’s something more games were willing to do - and something I, personally, was more willing to admit about myself. I got what is, I think, the ‘true’ ending of Hollow Knight, and that’s enough for me. Nightmare Grimm, boss rushes, etc will always be there if I want to come back to it at some

Generally speaking, if you just get the really good spots on each planet, you should be fine. Eezo, yeah, you always want to get every once of that you can find.

As a MEGA NERD, I’m painting custom cake toppers for my wedding in a couple months, so probably no video gaming for me. If I do, it’ll be to either finish up FInal Fantasy 8, which I think I’m pretty close to the end of, or more Witcher 3 - I’m just finishing a few loose ends in Novigrad before heading to Skellige. I

Honestly, I think the lack of ‘Press __ to continue’ on loading screens is worse with long load times - I’ve finally gotten around to Witcher 3, and its load times on my Xbone are long enough that I sometimes get up for a minute during them. The other night, I went into the kitchen during a load after dying and had to

On second thought, I don’t want to escalate an argument, and my original response was unnecessarily confrontational.

Right? It’s genuinely hard for modern people to grasp just how different pre-Enlightenment mindsets were, particularly when it comes to the relationships between rulers and people. And that’s true on both sides of the relationship.

Jin is the head of his clan, an aristocratic warrior who never wanted for anything in his life. Why is he so eager to squeeze every last resource from the people he’s supposed to be protecting? Life was hard before the Mongols arrived, and now villages and farms are burning. Those supplies would be much more

Not only that, the missing Abstergo Games higher-up mentioned in Black Flag can be found (dead) in the original Watch Dogs.

I thought so too, but it’s been so long now. All the actors’ contracts have long since lapsed, and they’ve got other things on their plates (or would be, in normal times). Plus, someone’s doing a Silence of the Lambs TV series now that’s totally unrelated to this series.