
I’ve only recently played the original FF7 for the first time, but I thought it was laid out fairly clearly by the end - Sephiroth wants to cause a global cataclysm to force the world to channel an enormous amount of life energy into the wound to heal it, and by making sure he’s right there where and when all that

Sci-fi horror is basically my favorite genre, period, so assuming they get the technical issues handled, this looks like my exact thing.

Oh my dear sweet Lord, I needed that laugh today. That was perfect.

Wuv. Twue wuv! Wuv... is what bwings us togevver... today.

Listen, Ready Player One will always have this going for it: it’s not as bad as Cline’s next book, Armada.

But then why keep them around? They’re too dangerous to exhibit, and given how hush-hush everything is, no one would even know if they just killed them all. And it can’t be cheap shipping cattle in constantly to keep them fed.

Genarro is actually (if I recall correctly) shown to be a fairly decent human being and makes it out alive.

Anytime a game pulls that “She’s actually 130 years old, she just LOOKS like an adolescent” thing, I’m out.

No comments on Trevorrow, but this didn’t start with him. My cousin’s husband posted a similar thing on Facebook a week or two ago.

Jason, you were always one of my favorite writers here or elsewhere. I’m sad this means your Final Fantasy Retrospective series will never finish, but I hope you’ll have great success wherever your new journalistic digs are, and are able to continue to delay all the biggest games.

I’m not even playing this game - I don’t own a PS4, so I guess I’ll have opinions on the Remake some time next year - but yeah, seriously.

Man, Gideon the Ninth is so good. I haven’t read all the nominations for Best Novel, but it’s my pick to win.

I assume Luke primarily was referring to team names and stadiums,

Hey, at least we’ve got Sanderson keeping the kind of publishing schedule that makes local DEA agents suspicious.

The main difference between something like Overwatch and something like a WoW raid boss is the relative power levels. An enemy Pharah trying to kill your healers isn’t that much more powerful than anyone on your team, just with different focus and abilities. Everyone is on a far more even footing than they are when

Maybe I’m too locked in to my view of MMOs - largely informed by WoW - where there’s no collision detection and little outside of specific (usually cooldown) abilities to block damage for healers or DPS outside of maintaining aggro and controlling positioning.

Given that most MMO bosses are designed with the idea that raiders learn the exploitable rules until they can do them perfectly and thus beat the boss, I’m not sure MMOs are really the best use for this. Imagine, for example, a boss that learned to ignore tanks and focus down healers - outside of a gimmich fight, that

So I’m just going to go ahead and ask it:

Same here. I liked the action sequences, but - and I’m only speaking for myself - very few of the jokes landed, and the disjointed story structure hurt the movie far more than it helped. Every time it seemed like the plot was moving forward, here’s crazy ol’ Harley remembering another part of the story that has to

That would be fine as an explanation, but Simon is EXPLICITLY told multiple times in the game that minds are only being transferred, not copied, and he’s told that by the woman who actually developed the process and who is accompanying him through 90% of the game.