
I liked a lot about SOMA, but it drove me nuts how friggin’ DENSE Simon was.

This is only my opinion, but I think the thing that hurts Amnesia and its ilk in the long run is that every time you encounter an enemy, whatever that enemy is, there’s one right answer: avoidance. 90% of the time that means hiding, 10% of the time that means running and THEN hiding.

I wouldn’t agree, necessarily, that they got old (Amnesia, Outlast, etc are still great games), but I do agree that, implemented intelligently, weapons can deepen and improve a horror game - see Alien Isolation for an example. It’s all about choices, and having to decide whether to shoot that Working Joe to get out of

I do regret never getting Ashbringer and seeing the Scarlet Monastery event in-person.

That’s exactly how I feel. The more I hear about neat stuff in Destiny 2 that I’ve already missed out on, permanently, the more reluctant I am to get back in. Not only do I feel like I’d be missing parts of the story, I don’t want to get caught up and feel like I’m trapped in the game to not miss future stuff.

Would it though? Maybe Gamestops in other areas are different, but around here they all have MUCH smaller footprints than even the tiniest FLGS that only sells weird Japanese card games. Where is the SPACE in an average Gamestop for big board games, much less play space?

That’s a false analogy. A better one would be to suggest I stop playing Call of Duty in favor of, say, Overwatch or Battlefront - and even those are far more dissimilar games than FIFA and PES.

I mean, just off the top of my head there’s that other big soccer game. PES, right? And there are other types of video games (I just started this really obscure one, Witcher 3 - you probably haven’t heard of it, but it’s not bad so far. These CD Projekt Red guys might have a future if they keep it up), there are

It’s been a long time since I last played ME3, but my impression at the time was that Shepard becomes a single Reaper, but with the keys to the collective, as it were.

To be fair, it is explicitly a rigged game in-universe. The Reapers believe that organic and synthetic life are inherently incompatible, so they’ve set their system up in such a way to every species that makes it to the end of the maze has to make that choice.

A: The Reapers are a sentient species (alternately, depending on how you feel about their process of reproduction, thousands or millions of species) that Shepard is enslaving. Genocide is bad, but so is slavery, right?

^THIS 100%^

Microsoft has said elsewhere that it can be stood up or laid on its side.

If anyone bows out, it’ll be EA. They don’t want to be making licensed games, since they have to pay a hefty fee to Disney for them.

I thought it was common knowledge that the deal was signed by the previous leadership at EA, and current leadership would rather their studios focus on original IPs that EA will own and control 100% instead of having to give the Mouse its share.

In its defense, Prototype was actually pretty fun once you drop any pretense that your character is anything but a cross between The Incredible Hulk and Carnage. Play it like an alien monster instead of a conflicted antihero and almost every problem with the game itself vanishes.

None of these are meant for kids, they’re meant for adults who grew up with them and have disposable income.

I will say that I feel that the existing Brave Exvius is pretty F2P friendly. I haven’t spent money on it since... last summer, maybe, and I never feel like I need to anymore.

It’s got an energy system, so presumably it’s a standard F2P setup.