
Man, I loved Slave Zero. So much fun. We need more games where you get to stomp around a city in an enormous mech. My only rule is that if you cant go through buildings accidentally, the mech’s too small.

Gotta love the people in shows/movies who think, “Hey, that mutant/witch/alien is capable of shooting laser beams out of his hands, setting me on fire with her mind, and/or ripping my arms off and beating me to death with them before punching me into the sun, while I am a regular person in okay shape who goes to the

I don’t think so. To the extent that DOOM has a canon anyone really cares about, the Doomslayer is clearly an entirely different thing than Doomguy/The Marine. For one thing, he’s not a marine, he’s a mythical figure of demonic legend wearing magical (?) demonic armor that’s been slaughtering demons for eons.

Unless Crisis rewrites the Arrow timeline so Green Arrow and the Canaries takes place in an even slightly less terrible future, I’ve got about zero interest in it.

I feel like Jubilee and Storm probably also have higher spots on that list then friggin’ MORBIUS.

You can’t just casually offer a playlist of unnecessarily depressing remixes of otherwise light songs and not follow through.

I’m only chiming in here to say that I went to Space Camp (the Florida one, the the Alabama one) as a kid and it was incredible.

That scene between Yennifer and Istredd felt really weird at first - having recently seen Midsommar, I thought they were going for that creepy vibe, especially when the wizards start clapping, but then she dismisses the illusion and suddenly, it’s just two people being weird and silly and funny while they have sex. It

Obviously they COULD. Equally obviously they don’t want to, likely because they have no interest in promoting the one single mode of play the hardcore community has decreed the only way to play competitive Smash.

Because if they start sponsoring tournaments, they competitive scene will be upset if it isn’t their preferred (some might say boring) style - see the way certain vocal segments filled their diapers when Nintendo DID sponsor events last year, but without the pro community’s preferred rules - ajnd if they do bow to

I’ll be honest, I thought Ubi’s excuse was marginally (marginally!) more believable, if only because AC games generally have stunning animation and Tarkov is an FPS that could literally get away with just slapping women in as skins if they wanted to.

I THINK I had the Enhanced Edition, but it’s been a while. Maybe I’ll see if I can’t dig up the box when I get home.

It was something that got talked about a fair amount during the early development blogs. Just one of those things that seemed like an interesting direction to take their fantasy world at the time that wound up backfiring and being abandoned.

So a Willow series, huh?

I honestly think it’s fascinating to look at Dragon Age’s changes - when the first one was in development, it was a deliberate design choice to make all the different races look very close to humans to really embrace the Low Fantasy aspect - obviously, they took a hard turn away from that from DA2 on.

Honestly, using potions during combat makes a heck of a lot more sense than being able to apply whetstones and weapon oils mid-fight, both of which Witcher 2 is fine with.

Couldn’t you drink potions mid-combat in the first game? it’s been a while, but I could swear you could if they were on your belt, which is why upgrading your armor was so important, as it added potion holders.

The thing that drives me bonkers in Witcher 2 is how many times I KNOW there’s a tough fight coming (either becuase I’m reading the situation right or it’s a part I’ve played through before) and even if you prepot, when the combat starts, your potions are gone. The first fight with Letho and the whole thing at the

It’s been a long, long time since I played The Witcher, and honestly, most of my memories are of how unstable it was - I got most of the way through the game, and by the end, it seemed like the game had a 40% chance to crash every time I changed areas. Given I was in a swamp somewhere with lots of huts and caves I

But, like, it isn’t? The game still has tons of cool looking gear that isn’t in the Eververse store, some or much of which is likely to appeal to people more than the store aesthetics.