
Naw man, the playable character in D1 is a Mage. As in, of the Vizjerei Mage Clan. Sorceresses are a separate clan, the Zann Esu. They only recruit young girls into their clan. They’re one of the Mage Clans - in fact they’re one of the oldest - but their philosophies, styles of magic, and such are very different. The

I’ll just be holding my breath for another Paladin/Crusader class. The female Crusader was my favorite of the D3 characters.

It’ll probably vary by class. Sorceresses are all women according to the lore, and I vaguely recall Druids being described as only men in Lord of Destruction, but it’s been a while and I could be wrong. 

It sounds promising, but I’m going to put on my robe and wizard hat, peer into my crystal ball, and predict that this line:

We’ll see. I have my doubts - this ‘apology’ seems to mainly be empty sentiments without actually identifying what people are actually mad at them about.

Well this looks very cool. Neat to see them picking up some of the plot threads started in 3. Wonder if this means we’ll ever get any closure on what happened to Leah, or if people aren’t interested.

That actually looks pretty cool. My first thought was the thing in the sky looked like something Naaru, but I think it was supposed to be, like, an upside-down Icecrown. Shades of Castlevania’s inverted castle, I guess.

Shadow’s good, don’t get me wrong. And I loved Rise - it takes a little bit to get going, but in some ways it’s my favorite of the new TR games.

Yeah okay the space marine is cute and all, but that Battle-Sister needs to be on my desk, like, now.

It seems so weirdly FAST. Like, I was barely out of the tutorial and I’ve already got an assault rifle. Like, I get it. It’s just a gun without opening up new exploration possibilities and it makes sense that Lara’s being more proactive and aggressive, but it still felt weird to have so early.

Man, I want to play Control so much. It looks so good and the story and setting, what I’ve heard of them, tick like 85% of my favorite things (just add a spooky spaceship/station and it’d be the only game I ever needed), but I’ve still got a launch model Xbone, and I’ve heard the PS4 Pro/Xbox One X are barely able to

I think it’s a lot more likely that the wreckage IS on Endor and people are just overthinking it, but even if it isn’t, it’s entirely possible there’s a story reason for it. Maybe in the movie, maybe in some future novel or whatever. Maybe two years from now DS2 wreckage being shipped to some other planet to be

I’m only a year late, but I’m deep into Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I’m enjoying it, but it hasn’t grabbed me the way TR and Rise did. I like Jonah, but I’d have rather had Sam back. 

Zodiac Motherfucker, he ain’t. 

Personally, I lost all love for food when I found out that professional chefs change it to taste better by using all kinds of fake spices and herbs and techniques. Also, I am convinced that things I have no idea how to do at a high level are incredibly easy and I could do them if I wanted to, which I don’t, so there. 

Another possible explanation would be that salvagers just hauled a bunch of debris to an unoccupied planet. Maybe it’s the Star Wars version of a shipbreaking operation?

I may be misremembering, but wasn’t the canon explanation for why the DS2's destruction didn’t cause a global extinction event on the moon that when the station’s hypermatter core went up, it opened a wormhole that drew in most of the energy and debris so the Ewoks and Rebels and everyone was spared?

I really enjoyed The Long Night, though it seemed to end on kind of a flat note. Like, the whole time it was teasing a whole bunch of stuff with the weird cult that went absolutely nowhere. Haven’t listened to Lost Trail yet, though it’s in my podcast queue. 

Baker’s dozens!

Man, the Monkey Island theme is so great. I’m kind of partial to the Curse of Monkey Island version, but this rendition is absolutely phenomenal. Thanks Kirk!