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many of these people are veteran superheroes who know that they’re currently fighting one of their mortal enemies who delights in playing mind games.

I’d assume they just didn’t have the budget to port it to other platforms until Apple and Epic offered cash upfront for platform exclusivity.

Looks like someone forgot to include the ‘sponsored post’ tag. 

Who knew Caligula was just ahead of his time?

I remembered it from the movie, and I’d assumed it was a plot lifted from the comics.

Heck. Maybe they’re using them to seed the human population with something to trigger the development of latent x-genes a generation down the road. After all, wouldn’t that be right in line with the third mutant law? (Though that story’s been told before, so might not be the kind of new ground Hickman says he wants to

I mean, if life-extending drugs (which can always be revealed to have nasty withdrawal symptoms if that’s where the story goes) isn’t enough, that plus mind-controlling world leaders to give in to your demands seems like a solid plan.

Would adamantium exports be that much more valuable than the miracle drugs they’re buying the rest of the world off with though? And what do they need to trade for? They don’t need to import food or medicine, for a military they’ve got just about every mutant ever, and they’ve got folks who can provide any tech they

The adamantium thing is addressed in the Hickman Q&A James linked at the end.

If they wanted to look like they were applying their rules equally and not on the sole basis of ‘will this make the Chinese government mad’, they’d have done this a week ago. Honestly, it just makes their excuses that much more transparent. 


That should only be a turn-off for people considering buying them for the second or third time. If you’ve never played them before, they’re still well worth the price tag. Classics don’t stop being classics because they’re old.

Ironically, I was kind of interested in the mobile Diablo, at least enough to give it a chance. Not any more though, unless Blizz actually backs this mess all the way up and grows enough balls to support their players and fans instead of a repressive government.

If a player had said “MAGA 2020,” they probably wouldn’t have gotten so much as a slap on the wrist.

I mean, follow that train of logic and you’re going to be claiming that because someone on a football team trashtalks a competitor, it’s the official stance of the NFL that Tom Brady is a pussy.

Because Blizzard didn’t suspend them. Had Blizzard suspended them, at least they’d have a fig leaf of apparent impartiality to hide behind. As it is, the fact that they DIDN’T suspend the American competitors makes it super clear their concern wasn’t political speech, it was political speech that would make the

The only time I was really into Magic was back in college, where my favorite combo was Raven Guild Master + Whispersilk Cloak. Sure, he’s only 1/1, but he’s untargetable, unblockable, and makes you remove the top ten cards in your library from THE GAME. If things started to get hot for me, I had a spell (I forget its

Hate to break it to you, but mainstream conservative commentators already do that. Like, every day.