
Yeah man.

I don’t know.

Probably? I don’t remember offhand if NPCs would equip reverse-pickpocketed stuff or not. 

I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Rambo III (which I’ve never seen) because it was the first video game I ever beat. In retrospect, it was a pretty shitty game. 

Maybe it’s a regional thing, but I instantly discount any pork chop recipe that doesn’t use corn meal for the breading. 

I feel like crafting’s been broken in just about every Elder Scrolls game - it was fairly trivial to enchant your armor up to 100% Chameleon in Morrowind, at which point NO ONE COULD SEE YOU, no matter what you did. You could stand in front of a guard and pick a lock, hit an enemy in the face, whatever. Didn’t matter.

They’re available for sale on the 3DS estore. 

So were Genyosha, Avalon, and probably half a dozen other failed mutant Promised Lands I’m forgetting. Somehow, I’ve got a feeling this one will spoil before too long as well.

It’s not just a question of how much money they made; it’s also a question of how much money they DIDN’T make. As in, ‘did it make as much as the two Marvel Spier-man movies?’ Because if not, heads would roll. 

Probably Maxie Zeus too, right? 

As it should, given that Arkham Asylum is basically a continuation of B:TAS - check out who the lead writer on Asylum and City is, not to mention the voice cast. 

Activision had some great manuals back in the day. Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries’ manual was styled like a recruiting pamphlet for a merc academy, even down to headshots of ‘students’, along with cheesy quotes. There was one in particular I remember about how this guy wasn’t just learning to kill people for profit, he

I’m all about s non-inverted Y. The only exception is in flying games, where I want that Y as inverted as it gets. To the depths of Hell with any game that has flying segments and doesn’t include separate Y-inversion for flying and non-flying. 

I mean, it’s also a bad analogy because Orange Vanilla Coke is delicious.

Seems pretty clear the preview pages are meant to take place before the main story, since everyone’s networked together and has a robot dog. 

Heck, I got that experience just now clicking over to Deadspin to see if this week’s Jambaroo was up yet. Thanks, whoever decides to crosspost stuff!

Yrref Sivart. That is some, uh, next-level alias game our boy has. Someone get this kid a job at the CIA!

Slow news day, I guess. 

I feel like there’s a general understanding that reality/competitive shows are fair game for immediate discussion - you don’t complain when your coworkers are talking about the results from last night’s baseball game that you DVRd but didn’t watch yet, do you?

Okay. Cool, I guess.