
I really wish more games had some sort of middle ground between HARDCORE SRS GAMERZ ONLY PERMADEATH and ‘basically no consequences for human wave tactics’. Like, something where characters get injured if they get KOd in battle and they need to sit out X number of battles to heal, but I can bring them along to a battle

The word ‘partying’ certainly makes it sound like they mean people grouping up before queuing, not getting matchmade with Cheatin’ Marlon Rando. And if you’re grouping up with cheaters, that’s on you, bub.

It’s a free game. Banning player accounts won’t do a whole lot long-term, since a banned person can just spin up a new account. 

Basically, Eldar are the sort of baseline space elves, Dark Eldar/Dhrukari are dark elves in space, Exodites are basically wild elves (they eschew most advanced technology and ride dinosaurs), Corsairs are pirates, and Harlequins are, uh, space theater majors?

It clearly does SOMETHING. If they aren’t manufacturing Switches with that particularly hardware vulnerability, then the number of them out in the wild will steadily decrease as they die, get lost or retired, or are sent in for repairs and quietly replaced by service techs.

I don’t know.

Didn’t Enchantress already show up in Agents of SHIELD? 

Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, right?

I’d be perfectly happy playing a Nightwing game. Or Robin. Or Catwoman. Or another Arkham prequel - Arkham Origins was a blast (if a bit unbalanced and unpolished).

Man, I wish there was a new Arkham game to look forward to. I honestly think they’re strong contenders for the best game series of at least the last two generations. I should maybe replay the series again. 

Maybe instead of being thrown into Twitch Jail, people who stream and drive need to be thrown into Real Jail?

I had a whole sarcastic response (that no one would ever read ‘cause I’m in the grays) lined up to news of yet another Joker comic, but his responses to your questions, Charles, made me at least cautiously optimistic.

Ah yes. I remember Antonio Banderas did a documentary about him. 

I will say that the new Felstalker is much more thematically appropriate for its card effect than a Succubus.

Several of those terms are a lot less descriptive than you seem to think. Platformer is a pretty ridiculous term that only makes sense because gamers are so used to it as a descriptor.

Sometimes he also kisses human women and turns into a werewolf. Truly, Sonic contains multitudes.

Hey. I get it.

i feel bad for our community. But this is fantastic content.

I’d love to see Hell House or Anne Siddons’ The House Next Door for a third season. 

Little do EVE players know that their game actually exists as a layer in a 4X game, and CCP is finally reaping the consequences of years of ignoring researching Diplomacy upgrades.