
I’ve, uh, got bad news about that OUYA version....

Lot of people justifiably dunking on Garfield for his defense of Artifact’s revenue model, but I think this is maybe the most egregious thing he says:

Superman’s powers only make him overpowered if you’re really worried that maybe he WON’T stop Lex Luthor this time.

So you’re fine with the idea of using precision shaped charges to explosively compress a kitten to the point that it achieves nuclear fission? I mean, I’M fine with it, but then again I’m more of a dog person.

A fastball, by the looks of it. 

Heck, I remember begging my mom to take me to the library every couple of days so I could use their computers with internet access(!!!) to find help getting through some of the tougher puzzles. Like that minecart thing? Ugh. 

If anything, the ending went by too quickly. All respect to Sanderson, whose original work I enjoy greatly, but reading through the last couple of books you could see entire an entire novel’s worth of plot dispensed in a single paragraph. 

Yeah, I just loved basically everything about Ishgard - the aesthetics, the climate, the music, even, as much as it pains me to admit, all the elves. 

Have they ever opened up housing in Ishgard? That’s all I wanted! Everyone’s like, ‘Ooh, new housing plots in the tropical paradise’, and all I want is a snow-covered house in a crazy puritan elf country. 

Good lord, I hope this is satire. 

Yeah, probably. It seems like it’s maybe the beginning of the next major story arc in the franchise, so it’s as good a place as any.

I need to finish AC: Origins, if only to get to move on to Odyssey - I’m getting ready to tackle the DLC expansions, and I’m really looking forward to doing Curse of the Pharaohs. I have no idea how they’ll justify fighting mummies, but I can’t wait to find out.

Are you using the default driving controls? I remember them being really bad until they patched in different options, and once they did I (mostly) loved the Batmobile parts. The Cloudburst fight is still a drag, but that was, to me, more about its length than anything else. 

Going to respectfully disagree with you, Natalie. Shuffle fails are the best.

Respectfully, I think you’re missing my (and the character’s) point. Kreia doesn’t want you to think for yourself, except within the framework of the accepted bounds of her philosophy. She is lying to your character when she espouses those views because she’s trying to manipulate you into doing her will while thinking

I guarantee you that, if this movie ever gets made and it’s an actual adaptation of the game instead of just being set during the Old Republic, the number of people who’ve played the game and know the twist will be a fraction of a fraction of the audience.

I mean, it’ll be even harder to find anything for your digital games once they’re digitally discontinued. At least I’ll be able to play whatever version shipped on the disk.

I think a lot of people give Kreia far more credit than she’s actually due - she’s an even bigger hypocrite than the Jedi and Sith she condemns. Her own philosophy, such as it is, isn’t internally consistent, because at her heart, SHE DOESN’T BELIEVE ANY OF IT BECAUSE SHE’S A SITH.

I’m really not sure how hemp would replace plastic in many of the things it’s used for. Hemp bottles? Hemp seals? What’s plastic being used for that hemp could be used for instead?

As I recall, Blizzard intentionally priced their level boost high to prevent people from buying them regularly - when they announced it, a lot of people were concerned that it would either devalue the leveling experience or make being banned a negligible consequence.