
That’s absolutely true, but as it goes, if I wanted to show a friend how great, for example, Tales of the Borderlands is, once it’s delisted they’re out of luck. Can’t buy it, and me being able to redownload it isn’t of much use.

That seems a remarkably aggressive response for what I feel was a fairly innocuous comment on my part.

I feel so much more justified about almost exclusively buying physical copies of games now.

That sounds legitimately fascinating, but $70 seems like a bit of a stretch, pricewise.

Is this a decent place to complain about how none of the selected designs are available in both Men’s and Women’s sizes?

No, I meant the parts where Spock, Bones, and Kirk are just hanging out around the campfire being friends. 

Literally the only things I can remember from Insurrection’s plot without checking Memory-Alpha are Picard mooning over some Space Amish lady or whatever by a lake and evil aliens killing an admiral with plastic surgery (???).

At least Star Trek 5 has some redeeming character moments - Insurrection is like someone made an hour and a half long Dr. Crusher episode and then CTRL-F’d to swap Crusher and Picard.

In the end, Godzilla’s greatest enemy was, as always, himself.

I don’t remember if it was from an episode or a novel, but one of my favorite little DS9 things was this part where Quark casually mentions that, as wines go, Chateau Picard is pretty bad. 

I know it’s inside baseball and we’ll probably see for ourselves soon enough, but I’m curious if Kotaku has come to a position on this for its editorial standards. 

That’s definitely true, but at least with this, I think that worry is mitigated a bit by its focus on cooperative PVE and solo play in addition to versus. Plus, if they’re standard 32mm scale, there’s no reason you couldn’t mix them in to other fantasy games with the same scale, so at least you’d still get use from the

I’d be a lot more sympathetic if the whole thing hadn’t been just dripping with unearned bravado and ego - the ‘Stadivarius of controllers’ line is right up there with John Romero making me his bitch.

Hey, if it gets more people into tabletop gaming, I think it’s awesome.

I really like both those Pharah skins (even if they’re mostly palette swaps). Not really feeling schoolgirl D.Va, but the black and purple one looks great, and Superfund Roadhog is an absolute winner. 

I had an Impossible Burger at Burger King and it was... fine?

I loved it. Maybe the special effects can’t quite keep pace with the directors’ vision at the very end, but it’s so good you can’t help but forgive. I haven’t seen Resolution yet, but The Endless is so good I’ve got high hopes.

Personally, I’ve decided to feverishly believe this means Borderlands 3 crossplay between PS4 and Xbone.

Man, it’s kind of crazy how many of the games on that list I owned as a kid. Is this what people who grew up in Nintendo households felt when the NES/SNES Classics were announced? 

I know it’s faithful to her comics look, but I’m not really digging the red wig. I honestly think she looked better with the full cowl. Ah well.